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10 Ways Your Life Will Be Better Without Tobacco

10 Ways Your Life Will Be Better Without Tobacco

Ditching tobacco use may very well be one of the hardest things you ever do once you’ve become addicted. Nicotine is so addictive that your brain quickly develops a dependency on it to produce dopamine. It doesn’t take long to become accustomed to the ritual of use, either.

Whether you prefer smoking or chew, the habit quickly embeds itself into your life. Wake up, light up, or grab a pinch of dip. Indulge on the drive to work. Finish your lunch break with a quick trip outside. Relax at the end of the day with a cigarette or a plug. Whatever your preference, tobacco has a way of creeping into all of your routines.

The pervasiveness of the activity and the addictiveness of nicotine combine to create a powerful addiction that often feels impossible to overcome. However, products like vapes and e-cigarettes help smokers kick the habit, and there is even now a satisfying tobacco free dip that pays homage to the tradition while cutting out the tobacco.

To inspire your journey and help you get motivated to take the next step, here are some things to look forward to once you put out your last cigarette:

1. Your Life Will be Longer

The old adage, “quality over quantity” doesn’t apply in this situation because quitting smoking helps you achieve both. Studies indicate (and it’s fairly common knowledge) that quitting smoking significantly extends the length of your life. And you’ll feel better along the way, we promise.

2. You’ll Breathe Easier

Taking a full, deep breath is one of the fastest, easiest, most effective ways of managing stress. That can be a real challenge when your lungs have been damaged by years of smoking. The good news is that your lungs begin to repair themselves quickly once you stop. You should start to see function improving in as little as one month.

3. You’ll Have More Energy

When your brain and body get more oxygen, you have more energy to do the things you love. Rather than dragging yourself through your day, you may find that you have a bounce in your step more often than you did before. Capitalize on this new outlook and start an exercise routine for an even bigger boost.

4. You’ll Get Better Sleep

People who use tobacco often suffer from insomnia for a couple of reasons. One is that nicotine is a stimulant. People who smoke right before bed may have an especially difficult time falling and staying asleep. The other is that you may suffer from withdrawal symptoms that wake you up. Put down the tobacco, get past the first phase of withdrawal, and you could find yourself easily getting your eight hours in nightly.

5. You Will be More Kissable

Not that you aren’t already a kissable person. However, people who don’t use tobacco are often turned off by strong tobacco odors and the appearance of someone who always has loose tobacco stuck in their teeth. You should never change who you are to make yourself more attractive to others, but ditching the tobacco is an improvement for both you and your partner.

6. You Will Have More Confidence

The energy boost and the new workout routine will have your self-esteem soaring, but quitting tobacco gives you another reason to walk tall. Tobacco has gotten an awful lot of bad publicity lately, and knowing how others feel about a habit you’re not proud of can be a huge weight that gets lifted when you quit.

7. You’ll Save Money

Depending on where you live, a pack-a-day habit can cost you close to five thousand dollars a year. When you aren’t spending your money on cigarettes, you can use it to get yourself out of debt, save it for a rainy day or vacation, or use it to help others by donating more. The money you don’t spend on cigarettes is an investment in yourself and your community.

8. You’ll Have Fewer Doctor Bills

The longer you smoke, the greater number of medical problems you develop as a result. People who smoke visit the doctor more often, take longer to recover, and develop chronic illnesses earlier in life. Additionally, most health insurance policies are more expensive if you’re a smoker as well.

9. Your Concentration Will Improve

This is not only because you’re getting more oxygen to your brain, but also because you won’t be constantly experiencing the anxiety of withdrawal. Once you get past the initial phase of craving, you will be able to forget about when you are going to get your next fix and focus more on the task at hand.

10. You Get to See Your Loved Ones Grow

Let’s not forget one of the most important reasons your life will improve when you quit smoking. You get more time with the people in your life. You may not be thinking about it right now; but before you know it, you’ll want to make sure you’re around to watch the younger generations of people you love grow into adulthood. When you give yourself the gift of longer life, you give them the gift of your wisdom.