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4 Tech Tips When Moving to a New Location

4 Tech Tips When Moving to a New Location

Moving to a new house and want to enhance the experience? Try these five tips so you can fit right in as soon as you settle down.

Discover Popular Spots on Maps

Navigation maps such as Google Maps and Apple Maps aren’t just for driving- you can now use them to discover nearby landmarks, parks, and points of interest. This way, you’ll be more familiar with the lay of the land and you’ll be able to move around without getting lost.

Sell Things You Don’t Need Online

Reduce clutter by not having to bring them with you on your move. Take stock of the things you have and separate them into two piles- the one you still need and the other you won’t. Use a smartphone to capture a clear image of the items you want to sell and add a helpful description. You can post these in online marketplaces and social media and exchange them for real cash.

Organize Your Move Using an App

The key to a seamless move is to schedule it in advance. Plan the process in stages- packing and the actual move. Technology can help in the form of calendar apps and to-do apps, and most of them are free to download and built on your phone. Adding them to the calendar app will give you helpful perks, such as alarms and notifications.

Do Some Research on the Community

Real estate in Dubai is a lively scene, with so many things to do and see. Look up the community in the area and you can plan your favorite activities, such as taking a walk in the nearby park or going to the local watering hole for drinks. Also, you can locate key locations such as hospitals, schools, shopping malls, and restaurants in Maps or by browsing review sites.