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Countless video games have entered the scene pompously, but have left without a feather on their hat. This is not the case with CSGO. 8 years have passed since CSGO came out, and its still on top. Few can really stand toe-to-toe against CSGO.

What makes it so special? First off, it has a basic concept. You’re part of either the terrorists or the counter-terrorists. Your job as a terrorist is to successfully plant a bomb and detonate it, whereas your job as a counter-terrorist is to find the planted bomb and defuse it.

There are 9 different modes to the game that cater to each different player’s mood. But, the fan favorite has to be the competitive mode. Some of these modes are, deathmatch, flying scoutsman, casual, etc.


What is a CSGO Prime Account?

Every player starts off with little to nothing. You’re pushed around, you’re verbally abused, but eventually, you rise to the top. You get better and better each time. All of a sudden, a hacker ruins your game. CSGO Prime Smurf Accounts ensures that this happens as less as possible, or not at all. It uses VAC (Valve Anti Cheat) to ensure hackers don’t join your match. Not just this, but there are other benefits to prime as well, such as:

What is Smurfing in CSGO:

Smurfing is an interesting yet common practice among CSGO players. Everyone wants to try and be on the top. Many don’t want to risk their original account’s ranking by trying different tactics, techniques and ways to play. Hence, they buy accounts that are already at a certain level or rank and they experiment on them. This ensures invulnerability to their original accounts, and at the same time, a heavy increase in their own overall performance in the game.

CSGO Accounts

Everyone who starts the game anew receives a basic account which can either be upgraded to Prime for $14.99 or continue with a basic account. Prime status can also be achieved when a user attains Level 21.

The max level attainable for any account is Level 40. Apart from this, there exist 18 ranks which can be attained as you progress with skill.

You can still play without either one of these, but they’re highly recommended as they can increase your gaming experience in a whole different way.


CSGO is the kind of game which is highly challenging as well as highly entertaining. The game tries its best to give the player the best possible experience through high-quality gameplay and a diverse community willing to help always. If you haven’t played it yet, try it out today! It will definitely pique your interest!