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Good and Bad Side of Online Gaming

Good and Bad Side of Online Gaming

Gaming is a fun activity & a friendly and effective way to spend time encouraging sportsmanship & working together with the team. It brings both benefits and risks with it, which you need to be aware of to stay safe & enjoy the real online gaming only. But before we move on to them, let’s have a look at a few things one needs to aware of to play safe;

Benefits of Gaming

Learning & Development

It is an excellent source of learning & developing skills in the younger children improving their reading and Puzzle-solving abilities. Many games are you in the toddlers through to make a learning process more intelligent and connect the students with a study in a compelling way. It also improves their ability to find out & Polish their skills and help them built with gratitude to solve the problem effectively. Regularly playing a search name can boost children’s brain and memory, in the long run, helping them stay focused on a specific task and achieve the goal.


You may have noticed that players are doing multiple tasks such as fighting with the opponent with detailed and quick reactions & building strategies. Studies have shown that adults and children who play games are multitasking.

Social benefits

Games have many other social benefits as well. If you are into playing poker, you must be very well aware of the judi bola who assists you while playing and help compete the opponent gracefully. It also helps to build a social relationship with to change itself, which sometimes proves as a good friend at times. Moreover, they are an excellent way to stay motivated and active.

Risks of excessive online gaming

There is a saying excess of anything is bad, and the similarity of playing excessive online games. No matter which kind of game you play, the excess playing leads too many negative is logical and physical consequences, which in extreme cases, can turn out to be very ugly. Some of the very severe dad effects are sacrificing studies, socializing with the family, friends or partner, going through sleep deprivation, increased stress and anxiety, feeling loneliness, aggressive behaviour and personality, and a decrease in verbal performance. There are many mental health problems reported due to excess gaming, both online and offline & hallucination is one of the significant potential psychological issues that a user goes through due to addiction to the game.