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How AI is Changing the Business Landscape for Good

How AI is Changing the Business Landscape for Good

The world is changing, and businesses are taking note. Artificial intelligence (AI) is already being used to help make sense of data, predict trends, and respond to customer needs in real-time. In fact, approximately 80 percent of AI projects involve machine learning or deep learning—tools that can be applied to many different industries. While there are certainly still challenges to AI technology, it is clear that this technology is here to stay. Companies will need to learn how best to integrate AI into their business strategies if they want any chance of competing in today’s tech-driven economy.

AI Security Options

AI provides businesses with new ways to identify, prevent and stop threats. In fact, AI can be used to find and fix security flaws as well as identify and stop threats before they affect your business. This can help you protect data from cyber attacks by quickly identifying potential vulnerabilities before they become an issue. The transition from EDR to XDR is one of the ways that AI is helping businesses to evolve and use more intelligent security protocols. 

AI-assisted discovery is also being used by major companies in the tech industry to identify threats and vulnerabilities in their platforms that would have traditionally required manual analysis by human experts. With companies like these leading the way in security innovation, it’s clear that AI has the power to transform how we deal with cybersecurity issues in business.

Machine Learning

Machine learning is a type of artificial intelligence (AI) that allows computers to learn from data. It’s used in many applications, including security. Machine learning has many applications in business as well. Machine learning is also known as adaptive learning, decision-tree learning, and evolutionary computation. It helps businesses with everything from marketing to sales to cybersecurity.

Improved Business Intelligence (BI) Tools

Business intelligence tools are used to improve decision-making and increase productivity. These tools allow companies to gain a better understanding of their customers, identify the most promising markets, and make better use of their resources. They also offer an opportunity for companies to examine the data they collect, find areas where there are gaps in information, and then fill them in with more accurate or relevant data sets.

Better Hiring Tools

Hiring used to take a lot of man-hours. From reading through applications to scheduling interviews, technology continues to streamline the hiring process for many different companies. AI is helping to make the hiring process much more efficient. For one thing, it makes it easier for you to find better candidates for job openings.

AI can scan resumes, social media posts, and even voice recordings to find people who are a good fit for your company culture. If you have a specific job opening in mind but don’t have time to sift through hundreds of applications, AI can set up an automated system that sends out personalized emails asking candidates questions about their experience or qualifications. This will help you narrow down your list of potential employees without having to wade through irrelevant information like references or past jobs they’ve held.

More Intelligent Marketing and Advertising

The ability to target audiences more accurately and effectively is one of the most commonly touted benefits of AI in marketing and advertising. By analyzing all available data, including customer information, social media posts, and even online purchases made by past customers, AI can help marketers identify the right kind of customer for their products. They can also determine which kinds of campaigns are most likely to succeed with various types of customers.

In this way, an advertiser could target those who have recently bought laptops with a campaign featuring discounted accessories. Another company might use AI analysis tools to find out that customers who make frequent purchases on Amazon tend to live in areas where fast delivery options are limited. They might use this data to determine where they could offer delivery services from nearby hubs.


AI is a powerful tool that can help businesses increase their efficiency and productivity. In addition, it can also be used for predictive analytics, which allows companies to make better decisions about the future and save money by avoiding costly mistakes. The future of artificial intelligence looks bright and there are many new applications that are only just being explored.