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Internet Troubleshooting Tips for Lag-free Online Play

Internet Troubleshooting Tips for Lag-free Online Play

Gaming is supposed to be an enjoyable experience. However, internet lag can quickly put a damper on that and make things worse.

Troubleshooting is key to a lag-free online gaming. Here are some tips to lessen or eliminate lag altogether.

Where is the Bandwidth Going?

Lag is a probable effect of a choked-up bandwidth, which means your internet connection is allocated somewhere else besides gaming.

If you or a family member is using the internet to watch streaming videos or downloading large files then it’s better to stop that activity first. Close any programs or websites that’s eating data and try playing the game again.

Have You Turned It Off and On Again?

Eliminating lag can be as simple as resetting your router.

Locate your router and see if all the lights are green or blinking properly. You can either press the power button or unplug it, then leave it for a minute before turning it on or plugging it back in.

Try playing the game again and see if it’s less laggy.

Get Closer to Your Router

Distance to router plays a part in internet lag. When you don’t want to experience it while playing satta matka or your favorite online game, then you should close the distance and be as near as possible to your WiFi connection.

This is an easy task if you’re playing with your smartphone or laptop. Just move closer and you should see significant improvement.

Try Another Server, Website or Game

Last but not the least, you should consider that it’s not your internet connection but rather the site or the game server you’re playing in.

This is particularly true when you haven’t experienced lag before. Try to switch servers or access sites that are closer to your region and see if this eliminates the problem. You can also check their website to see if they’re having technical issues.