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People Who Need to Hire Private Bodyguards

People Who Need to Hire Private Bodyguards

Security has become paramount with the rise in terrorism activities worldwide, carjackings, kidnappings, human trafficking, and commercialization of crime by criminal gangs, among others. Taking security precautions is the best solution. Hiring a private bodyguard is an excellent step towards protecting yourself, family, business, property, and other things.

Fortunately, private bodyguard services are now easy to get and affordable. You only need to identify a reputable security company, and they will assign you armed or unarmed personal bodyguards. Generally, some people require bodyguards because of who they are, their circumstances, or their work. If you fall under the following categories, you should consider hiring private bodyguards;

1. Extremely wealthy

Some people target to kidnap, steal or torment the rich. If you own a lot of money or property, thugs, jealous people, muggers, murders, and others could have an eye on you. They may want to;

Cases of people who rob wealthy people are many. The attacks may be unexpected and dangerous. It’s therefore wise to hire yourself some private bodyguards. Never leave for large gatherings or travel without security. Bodyguards can save your life and minimize security risks.

2. Business Executive

As a CEO or business executive of a successful corporation, large sums of money pass through your hands. People are aware of this as it is one of your responsibilities. Even when you don’t have the money, people perceive you have it and can attempt various ways of robbing you.

When exposed to insecure situations or traveling, you should consider having bodyguards for protection. You may not know when the enemy will attack. They may not let you relax or enjoy a peaceful time with your family and friends. That’s why it’s wise to hire private bodyguards during your vacation.

3. Entertainer or Celebrity

It is no lie; thugs often rob celebrities. Celebrities and entertainers have many fans who adore them. They may want to take a picture or shake hands with you, but not all have good intentions. 

A fan may wish to harm you out of jealousy or other motives. Some may be out to steal your valuables like a golden chain, high-end mobile phone, or luxurious watch.

As a celebrity or entertainer, you are very prone to various insecurities, and sooner or later, a security incidence will happen. It is wise to always have private bodyguards around you for your protection.

4. Media Attention Target

If you stand out in something or achieve big for the media to pay you attention, you should be cautious of your security. Abraham Shakespeare is an excellent example. 

He won a lottery of $31 million in 2006. The media exposed and followed his every move. Unfortunately, people could not find him anywhere in 2009. His body was found below a concrete slab in 2010.

The media may market you but at the same time expose you to many unknown enemies. If in such a situation, seek the services of professional bodyguards to protect you every step of the way.

5. In the Middle of a Dispute

Some disputes and legal matters such as the following may expose you to many dangers;

When undergoing such, it would be wise to have bodyguards protecting you. Your opponent may not handle the matter maturely and reasonably and may plan to harm you for revenge or illegal gain. They could send thugs to frustrate or kill you. Todd Mullis’s case is a fantastic example. He murdered his wife after requesting a divorce several times.

Bodyguards can oversee the proceedings and keep an eye on all parties to ensure that everyone is safe. In case of threats or violence, the bodyguards can intervene before any harm happens to you.


As illustrated above, bodyguards are essential in our lives. If you fit one or several personalities discussed above, you may need to hire bodyguards for security. Additionally, if you are neither of the persons described above but feel insecure, seeking the services of professional bodyguards will be an excellent idea.