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Use Rich Text Formatting and Instant RSVPs on Your Gmail Accounts

Use Rich Text Formatting and Instant RSVPs on Your Gmail Accounts

Use Rich Text Formatting and Instant RSVPs on Your Gmail Accounts

A lot of people these days would rather use their phone for practically everything— and email is no exception. More and more people rely on their smartphones, and as they do, Google is taking a new step to let users check their emails and respond to important contacts faster and more efficiently than before, as well as emphasize what’s important in a document.

In this article, we’ll highlight some of these new features:

Instant RSVPs for Google Calendar or Microsoft Exchange

According to Matthew Izatt, Product Manager for Google, the most frustrating part of scheduling appointments has always been having to open up several applications to squeeze in meetings or finding out that meeting times had been cancelled because they couldn’t be managed from just one app. Now, Google Calendar and Microsoft Exchange, all calendar invitations are automatically sent to your Gmail account as a “one- tap option” that shows your schedule so that you can respond.

Using RTF (Rich Text Formatting) Within Your Emails

Now there are lots of options for your emails! All you have to do to edit the bold, italic, underlined, colored, or highlighted text on your important emails, using the same formatting options that you have from your laptop:

  1. Select the text that you want to format
  2. Select format options (bold, italic, underline, add text color, and change text background)
  3. Choose the format that you prefer

You can use these new formatting options to help you show what’s most important on your emails, helping you better communicate, right in the palm of your hand.