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What Pool Chemicals do you Need for a Safe Swimming Pool?

What Pool Chemicals do you Need for a Safe Swimming Pool?

Ensuring your pool is clean and safe is highly essential. However, doing this can sometimes be a tough job. This is so, especially if you do not have the right supplies.

This piece is on the topic of pool chemicals. It will teach readers of the essential chemical that homeowners should own for a safe swimming pool. Your pool must be safe. And you can tell this by the look, smell, and feel of the water.

It must be clear and mustn’t smell so strongly of chlorine. It should be silky to the touch as well. You can check here for more on using chemicals in your pool.

There are many reasons why a test kit is essential. Regular testing is necessary for it allows you to monitor your chemical levels. If you cannot test your pond water yourself, you can take a sample to a local pool store. They can test the water for you easily and quickly relate their findings.

However, for your convenience, you should purchase a test kit. They are smart devices and can quickly get the job done for you. If this is too much of a job for you, then consider hiring a technician. This is an expert that can ensure your swimming fixture is safe and healthy for use.

They can help to vacuum your pond regularly and can ensure that the chemical levels are properly checked. They can also help to clean and maintain your filter system.

What Pool Chemicals Should I have in My Home?

These are some of the particular chemicals that you should have in your home:


Chlorine is a prevalent compound used to treat water. This is because it is very affordable and cheap. It is a great sanitizer, an effective algaecide, and a powerful oxidizer as well. The strength it possesses allows it to eradicates unwanted contaminants in your swimming pond. It ensures that your water is safe and healthy for swimming.

Studies have shown that chlorine might be effective but pose some threat to the skin. Chlorine is known to change hair color and turn eye red. This is why it is best to combine your chlorine with other above ground pool chemicals to moderate the effect. This will help limit the side effects of chlorine.


Bromines are also great sanitizers. However, they are less common. Bromine is more suitable for indoor ponds and hot tubs. This is because they are considered mainly for high heat applications. They do not do well when exposed to the sun. The UV light quickly diminishes its potency, so it would not be practical for long.


When you dive into your pool, you leave contaminants. These contaminants can be in the form of makeup residues, sweat, hair follicles, and dead skin cells. This poses harm to the water.

Lots of people use nonchlorine oxidizers as a treatment. This is mainly added with chlorine for better results. Also, experts recommend shocking your swimming fixture at night. This helps to protect the oxidizer and ensures it doesn’t get damaged by UV rays.

PH Balancers

Managing your pool’s PH balance is critical. It allows the chemical to work effectively. It can be that there is too much treatment in your water. It can also be that there are too many algae present. This can quickly throw off the pH balance of your pond.

If you need the pH balance increased, you can add soda ash. You only need to mix in a bucket of water, and you’re good to go. While if you need the pH balance decreased, sodium bisulfate seems to be very effective.

Alkalinity Adjuster

Ensuring your water’s PH is stabilized is highly essential. It is why alkalinity helps a lot. They help to stabilize the pH level of your swimming fixture.

So, if you find out that your pool is murky, it means your alkalinity needs adjustment. When alkalinity is too low or overly high, you need to get it balanced with an alkalinity adjuster.

Sodium bicarbonate is very potent in increasing the total alkalinity. At the same time, muriatic acid can very well reduce the total alkalinity of your water.

How to Maintain Pool Chemicals?

Your pool treatment must be properly cared for. Once you purchase them, make sure they are stored correctly in their containers. Do not lose lids, as exposure can reduce its potency.

Also, make sure to keep out of reach of children and pets. Store in a dry location—one with good ventilation that isn’t exposed to heat or any electric source. Make sure to open the treatment in a well-ventilated area too. In addition, make sure not to mix chemicals without consulting with a professional. There are more suggestions on this page about keeping outdoor pools neat.

Final Note

Chemicals are a great way to ensure that your swimming fixture is safe for use. It helps to stabilize the water; it helps to eradicate old and harmful residues as well.