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Why and How Some Married Men Hookup – Married Men Hookup Guide

Why and How Some Married Men Hookup - Married Men Hookup Guide

There’s a lot of reasons why a married man might consider hooking up with someone, either for a one night stand, or a continuous hookup relationship. With that said, a lot of men don’t have the tools nor the knowledge to experience this adventure, so they are lost, thinking about how to even meet new people.

The Reasoning

Regardless of the situation you are in, if you are thinking of cheating, you should at least have a good reason to do it. There are some reasons behind this action that might grant you an okay, but it’ll be always better to try to be the good person of the tale and take things in a direction that shows how much you care for the relationship, and your partner as well, before trying to even hook up with someone you don’t know.

If you feel like the effort is not worth it, and want to experiment with how sexual intercourse is outside your marriage, you are always welcomed to do it since there are indeed occasions where fighting for a relationship that has already died is not reasonable, but the process to end such relationship is still on the move.

This is even more reasonable when your partner is, in short words, a piece of garbage, which can be the reason why you might want to throw it all out of the window and begin living your life outside of her claws.

Still, how do you actually take the first steps towards a hookup? Believe it or not, it might be easier than you think.

Online Dating Apps and Websites

Nowadays the world of online dating has flourished so much that online dating has become one of the most used methods to meet new people and engage in both attempts to build a relationship and hookups.

For people who don’t know anything about them, simply put, they are applications you download in your phone or websites you visit in a browser such as Google Chrome or Mozilla, that often require a registration process where you enter some key characteristics of yourself, and provide photos for people to see.

Online dating can be difficult because it takes time to find people to meet, and being rejected (and rejecting) people who you connect which is very common, since you don’t actually decide whom you are connecting on most occasions.

Most apps and websites work through a liking and matching system, where you give a profile a like (just like Facebook) then reject those who are not as interesting to you. If that person you gave a like sees you and likes you back, you’ll match and then have a chance to talk about yourselves and decide whether you want to meet or not.

You can also pay for a premium service that makes everything much easier for you, and the benefits depend entirely on the app you use. Famous online dating apps like Tinder, for example, make your profile more noticeable and puts it on a high-priority list, you also get to like people who like your profile and create a match instantly, and the super likes you get (which are much more noticeable than a regular like) are more than one per day.

Of course, you also have online dating apps and websites that are better options if you are looking to hookup as a married man because they provide tools and security measures to cover up your identity while you look for people to meet. If you are interested in websites and apps where married men can hook up, please check the previous link.

How to Make Sure You Are Doing It Right


The problem with online dating is that people often engage in the activity with the wrong mindset. They are often impatient about the fact that it takes time, and they are more than ready to give up at the first failure when you should actually be ready for more rejections than you’d think.

You see, the thing about online dating is that meeting new people and knowing about them in a short duration of time is much more doable because just like you, they are sharing themselves with the media. Things like photos, hobbies, currents of thought, religion, and such, are shared by the people inside these applications, and there’s a reason for that: time.

Traditionally, you would have to spend time to meet someone. Ask the right questions, see how they react to events, and invite them to several dates just to see if that person is actually in alignment with your likes. With online dating, just by checking their pictures and reading their profile, you can get a general idea of whether that person you are looking at is your type or not, both in appearance and personality.

This makes it a much faster process where lots of rejections and dates are happening all around the world in a single application. That is why you shouldn’t be too affected by rejection, and don’t feel bad about rejecting others, because that is how the culture goes.

You should take your time, make sure to be patient, and wait for your opportunity. Selling yourself with honesty and transparency might work as well, but you might want to take a different approach depending on your needs.

What You Should Look For

A lot of people look for hookups just for the sake of satisfying their sexual needs, which is completely fine, but if you are a married man, you should also try to learn from the experience, since you are doing it at the same time you are sacrificing something.

So make sure you are getting something out of it more than pleasure. Try to get to know people who’s similar to you or someone who aligns with your likes and aspirations. If the person is worried about your previous or current relationship, don’t deceive them for the sake of having a good time.

Be as honest and transparent as possible with your situation, and make sure to not hurt the other party’s feelings, since you are already doing something bad. You should also check for more details on how to enjoy a healthy hookup in case you are interested.