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Why Quran Memorization Is Important for Muslims

Why Quran Memorization Is Important for Muslims

For Muslims, the Quran is, always has been, and will always remain the most important book. Allah revealed the Holy Book as a source of knowledge and guidance for humanity. Allah tells us as early as in the second verse of the second chapter that nobody can doubt the Quran. He says that it contains guidance for people who are pious and conscious of Allah. Quran memorization classes have always had immense popularity in all parts of the Muslim world.

If we think about it, then the pursuit of knowledge is a very lengthy one. It starts from birth and continues till death. There is no moment in any human’s life when he can say that he has complete knowledge. Allah is the Only Being capable of achieving something so momentous. It is not for mere mortals, which is what human beings are. Knowledge of the key component of understanding Allah and Islam. This leads to fearing Allah and submitting to Him, which is crucial.

The Quran memorization process began almost at the same time as when Allah began to reveal the Quran to the Prophet (PBUH). Muhammad (PBUH) was the first human who would memorize all the verses of Allah’s Word. Then, he would tell the companions about them, and they would also spread the word and memorize them, to be able to spread them to all corners of the Earth.

Quran memorization is a delicate process that must begin at a young age for children. Parents often want their children to become hafiz or memorizers of the Quran. This is an admirable goal, but to make it a realistic one, parents need to take some steps to enable this to happen. Among them is to expose children to the Quran and by enrolling them in online Quran classes.

Importance of Quran Memorization

Allah promised us that He would preserve the Quran, and that is precisely what He has done. The Quran has withstood the test of time and is still in the same pristine condition as when Allah revealed it. Quran memorization, it must be said, played a critical role in this preservation. The early Muslims would often memorize parts of, and sometimes the full Quran.

When the Prophet (PBUH) received revelation, he would relay Allah’s Message to the companions. Then, they would try to memorize the Quran. They would also write it down wherever they could. That may be on trees, leaves, etc. Eventually, when it was possible several years later, the Muslims compiled it into a book form. The early memorizers played a major role in this.

In the modern world, Muslims continue to aspire to memorize the Quran. There are possibly millions of Muslims worldwide who have memorized large parts of, if not the whole Quran. While the corruption of hearts and minds worldwide continues, those who are close to the Quran and memorize it with understanding of its meaning will remain close to Allah.

Online Quran Classes Benefits

You can memorize the Quran with online Quran classes. There are many reasons regarding why a student would want to opt for this method over other regular ways of learning the Quran.

Even if all the other advantages of online Quran classes didn’t exist, it’s likely that people would still take them due to their convenience. Hence, this is the first and foremost benefit. In the modern fast-paced world, saving time is a virtue. Learning online is one of the ways to do that.

Adjustability is another highly valued virtue of online learning. You can study almost any aspect of the Quran online, including memorization. Moreover, you can opt to study at all kinds of timings that may be ‘odd’ for you but are standard since the Online Quran teacher might be halfway across the world.

There is no doubt that there is complete safety if you opt for online Quran classes. There is no direct physical interaction. Video chats are closely monitored to ensure that everything is all right, and tutors receive specific guidelines about what to and to not do.

When they see the competitive prices, people often only then realize how easily they can fulfill the obligation of learning about the Quran. The same applies with Quran memorization. Classes are reasonably priced and are affordable for most people.

Best Age for Quran Memorization

You may hear about the odd Quran reciter who memorized the Quran at an advanced age. However, almost all of them usually memorize the Quran when they are quite young. That is the most common perspective, that you should start as early as possible. This viewpoint has merit, too. Children find it easier to memorize when they are relatively younger.

Parents should involve their kids in this procedure when they are quite young. Ideally, they should learn how to read the Arabic Quran in their first 4-5 years – so, soon after they start speaking properly. Then, they can begin the process of memorizing the Quran. You can enroll in online Quran classes to make this process easy for you.

Tips To Help Children With Memorization

Parents need to develop love of the Quran in their children during their early years. Young kids often imitate their parents. Hence, frequently reciting the Quran in front of them is a great option. This may inspire the child. As a result, the child may develop an inherent urge to learn the Quran. Hopefully, memorization becomes easier after that.

Parents should also teach their children about Islam during their early years. This will help them get close to Allah, again making the process easier. You should often pray in front of them and encourage them to do the same when they are capable of understanding. At the same time, you should keep the child away from haram, such as music, which can come in the way.

Once you register for an online Quran academy and begin the learning process, you should try to stay involved. Monitor your child’s progress and engage with them regularly. Keep track of their progress and encourage them. Parents should also appreciate their children whenever they make progress. You can even give them incentives such as gifts, if that further encourages them.

Benefits of Memorizing the Quran

The Prophet (PBUH) narrated a few things that can encourage believers in this regard. He stated that Quran memorizers will come on the Day of Judgment. The reward for reciting the Quran will intercede, asking Allah to decorate the memorizer. Allah will then give the Quran memorizer a crown of nobility.

The reward will again intercede and ask Allah to be pleased with the person. Allah will do that, then ask the memorizer to recite the Quran. Then, as the person steadily recites, Allah will increase his reward with every verse. Unimaginable joy and pleasure is one way you can describe such a situation.

The Prophet (PBUH) said that the best Muslims are those who learn and teach the Quran. Knowing the Quran the most is also important when it comes to leading the prayer. The Prophet (PBUH) stated that those who know the Quran the most should be the ones leading the prayer.


Memorizing the Quran is not necessarily an easy task. You will need to have patience while learning it. Persevere whenever things get tough and keep the end goal in mind. Learning the Quran for the sake of Allah is a noble deed and something beneficial. If we learn and understand the Quran, we know how to live in the way of the Prophet (PBUH) since he lived according to the Quran.

QuranForKids offers online Quran classes with various courses. Quran memorization is one of the Quran courses you can take. We have a free one-week trial for all new students. So, you can sign up on our website and get started right away. Don’t waste any more time! Sign up to begin your own journey, or your child’s journey, toward getting close to Allah.