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Celebrity YouTube Channels Gets Hacked

An image of Youtube being hacked.

Many celebrity official YouTube channels have been hacked. It’s unclear if a bug in YouTube have led these channels hacked or hackers gained access to their accounts by hacking into their emails. However, the following celebrity accounts were hacked at the time of publishing this news article:-

Yet, the list continues to grow.

A screenshot of Shakira’s YouTube channel being hacked.

According to the videos that have been renamed, the hackers appear to be protesting online by asking for Palestine’s freedom by using the “FreePalestine” tags while some videos had a title with “F*ck Illuminati”. While viewing what @OpIsrael means on Wikipedia, it appears that the hackers are anti-israel.

A screnshot of YouTube channels that have been hacked by Prosox with a “x – hacked by prosox” message.

The hackers involved in this breach appears to be codenamed:

Update:- The hacker Prosox have shared the following tweet on this twitter account:

Its just for fun i just use script “youtube-change-title-video” and i write “hacked” don t judge me i love youtube <3  – Prosox

According to Prosox’s tweet, it looks like there is a vulnerability in YouTube that allowed hackers to update video titles. However, it’s unclear if YouTube is aware of the vulnerability or not.

As this story is still developing, we will update this article as soon as we get more information regarding the breach.