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5 Software Programmer Passive Income Streams To Explore In 2022

5 Software Programmer Passive Income Streams To Explore In 2022

Software developers can explore several different rewarding streams of passive income in 2022. While software jobs usually pay very well, there is nothing wrong with having a few side gigs lined up. No matter your preferred coding language or engineering specialization – you can always pick up extra work to generate some cash on the side. As a software engineer yourself, passive income strategies can improve your financial freedom and give you a break from the average workday. From freelancing programming work to managing someone else’s computer systems – there are so many notable opportunities to explore. To get started now, read on to learn about the top software programmer passive income streams to explore in 2022.

Sell Software Products And Applications

First off, you can start selling software products and applications for a profit. Start designing, developing, and selling your own software products. Research the most in-demand functionality and features that you can base an application on. You can even try selling mobile apps and video games. Another great approach is to sell eLearning software or digital education classes. In terms of monetization, you can either distribute software products for a one-time-fee or recurring subscription. Either way, you can expect to earn extra cash for financial stability, monetary freedom, and geographic independence. Surely, selling software products and applications is one of the best passive income streams to explore in 2022.

Freelance Software Development Services

Another great approach is to star freelancing software development services. You can get hired by private clients, or from development companies seeking extra temporary manpower. As a freelancer, you must be familiar with the latest development tools, programming resources, and supporting build solutions. After all, many freelance engineers use solutions like the JFrog Platform to meet Cloud native DevOps standards, enable full flexibility, and support operational consistency. These tools give you the ability to run on any cloud – public or private. This provides freelance developers with choice and transparency when working on projects. If you meet these sills and qualifications, you can certainly find high-paying side jobs as a freelanced software programmer.

Make Video How-To’s And Tutorials

Additionally, many software developers make online video tutorials to earn extra cash on the side. Make how-to videos on how to design, develop, test, deploy, or distribute software. Then, you can sell it on a professional-education marketplace or learning library. Or, simply publish it on a YouTube channel and grow your following organically. If you speak multiple languages, you can even tap into an international viewership with your content. Once you get going, you can earn some serious money with this approach. Content creators on the top software how-to channels earn upwards of $15,000 a month. Certainly, make how-to videos and online tutorials to increase your software developer earning potential.

Write For Tech Blogs

If you have a passion for writing and research, you can additionally start blogging for notable tech sites. Technology blogs are always looking to recruit skilled software developers with a background in coding languages, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and bespoke programming. You can submit guest posts, detailed step-by-step guides, or even opinion articles. Some developers even publish long-form content about third-party software reviews. Keep in mind that it may be difficult to earn money at first – especially as a new writer. As you build up credibility and establish professional relationships, you can expect to earn as much as $500 per article produced. Absolutely, writing for tech blogs is a great passive income strategy and side hustle for programmers in 2022.

Flip Websites  

Flipping successful websites is another great software developer passive income stream to explore. There’s a wide range of platforms where you can easily purchase, optimize, and resell high-traffic websites. This is a great avenue if you are skilled in content creation, UI/UX design, and website testing. It may also help to have a background in blogging and search engine optimization (SEO). If you have this skillset, you can start flipping websites across a diverse range of industries. Currently, some of the most popular site genres are those in the business, healthcare, technology, and retail field.

Software developers can explore several valuable passive income streams in 2022. Many developer earn extra money on the side by selling software products, applications, and services. In addition, you can freelance your work to private clients or development companies. Another great is to start making how-to video tutorials, which you can then publish on YouTube. Or, try writing for major technology blogs. You can even try to earn extra cash flipping websites. For these opportunities, you’ll need to know how to design user interfaces (UIs) and conduct your own website usability testing. Follow the points highlighted above to learn about the top software programmer passive income streams to explore in 2022.