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5 Technological Advances Which Have Impacted Video Production

5 Technological Advances Which Have Impacted Video Production

Data center technologies are paving the way for better innovation across video teams and television. A top video production company in NYC is now capable of editing, producing and delivering crisper, high-quality and life-like content at a fraction of the cost.

Cloud-Enabled Infrastructure

Video production companies can bolster their in-house infrastructure by utilizing cloud technology. With it, producers can get more power during peak times and move forward to meet deadlines or advance lagging projects. Without the restrictive aspect of HDDs and discs, content production is happening at a much faster pace without sacrificing quality.

Software-Defined Infrastructures

Infrastructures with software can be expanded to meet the ever-growing needs of network, server and NVME, or non volatile memory without being tethered by traditional storage. Producers and content creators won’t have to upgrade gear and hardware systems which could mean more downtime.

AI In The Studio

Before, it was tedious work to hash existing content because of storage media and classification. Machine learning and AI have made things easier via metadata extraction and automation, allowing for faster retrieval and more accurate searches. Millions of visual assets can now be rifled through in just a few minutes.

Online Video Sharing

Brands have recognized that video is the medium of communication for their audiences. Online campaigns are now part of marketing for brands both big and small. Video production companies make it easier than ever to create impressive videos while the proliferation of YouTube and other video platforms allow for easy uploading and consumption.

High Definition TV

There are many ways to consume entertainment, including 4K, 3D, UHDTV and others. Platforms such as IMAX theaters, 4D movies and augmented reality have changed how we consume, and therefore how video producers offer content. Thanks to more powerful servers, innovative technology, faster frame rates, color depth and video resolution, video is now more immersive than ever.