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6 Proven LinkedIn Advertising Tips

6 Proven LinkedIn Advertising Tips

An excellent tool for B2B marketing and some B2C marketing is LinkedIn ads, otherwise known as LinkedIn Marketing Solutions. Many B2B businesses grow their business by utilizing the valuable leads they get from LinkedIn ads. Usually, B2C companies brand, recruit, reach a broader audience, and expand their list of partners and investors by utilizing LinkedIn and LinkedIn ads.

Furthermore, several agencies run clients’ LinkedIn ads for lead generation campaigns. These agencies have considerable expertise in handling large-scale LinkedIn ads strategies since most of their clients are enterprise-level companies. With this level of expertise, there are proven techniques for LinkedIn advertising.

This article discusses six proven LinkedIn advertising tips that can help your LinkedIn ads campaigns achieve better results. Let’s take them one after the other.

1.         Understanding Your Target Audience

Your marketing strategy can only be successful when you have a strong understanding of your target audience. On LinkedIn, several promising targeting segments help meet your KPIs (key performance indicators). However, LinkedIn ads are pretty expensive. Therefore, if your targeting is not spot on, you’ll end up wasting the money spent on advertising without seeing desired results.

Before launching a LinkedIn ads campaign, it is recommended that you have a clear understanding of your target audience. Knowing your target audience helps you personalize advertising messages such that they resonate with your audience.

2.        Targeting A Broad Audience at The Beginning of Your Campaign and Narrowing the Audience as The Campaign Matures.

After defining your target audience and selecting suitable targeting options, the next step is estimating the size of the reachable potential audience. Usually, new LinkedIn ads campaigns have a learning curve. Starting with highly restricted targeting may not provide necessary results for generating leads or other desired outcomes.

It would be best if you built a broad audience when starting your advertising campaigns. This strategy helps you test a general but relevant audience before narrowing your target audience after evaluating the campaign’s initial performance.

3.         Creating Specific Advertisements for LinkedIn

It is best to stay away from generic advertisements, especially for Facebook ads and LinkedIn ads. Also, avoid recycling ads to LinkedIn from other platforms. Creating custom ad copy and using original creative work for your LinkedIn ads campaigns generate the best results. Furthermore, your campaigns can have a huge impact when you select the right words, use persuasive and professional copywriting, and design the right ad creatives and CTAs (call to action). It is also advisable that you take time to familiarize yourself with LinkedIn users and other statistics; this is helpful in better understanding the target demographic of general LinkedIn users.

4.        Offering Gated Content

Gated content is a kind of content that is not readily accessible. Usually, gated content requires users to complete a short form before accessing specific sections of a website. Gated content has been around for a while, and it is a great lead generation tactic that has proven to be continually effective. For instance, gated downloadable files like eBooks and whitepapers help collect basic information like names and emails; this information is then helpful in creating a highly targeted audience.

Although the CPCs (cost per click) of gated content are generally a bit higher, the lead quality they offer is higher; this payment is for making direct impressions on a set of hyper-relevant users who may need your product.  Furthermore, a valuable strategy for branding is to offer gated content that demonstrates your thought leadership.

5.         Updating Bidding and Budget

When starting all your campaigns, it is best to use LinkedIn’s automated bid feature; this feature helps you spend your daily budget at the highest efficiency. Nevertheless, as you learn more about your campaign along the line and narrow down your audience, you should change to the manual bidding feature to control your spending. It is important to note that when switching to manual bidding, reducing your CPCs to a minimum can negatively affect your campaign results. Instead, it is best to reduce your CPCs slowly to ensure that your campaign results are as efficient as possible.

6.        Running More Than One Advertisement Per Campaign

It is important to note that different audiences have different reactions towards ads – be it the ad creative, text, or the ad offers. It would be best to create multiple advertisements for your LinkedIn ads campaign, using different creatives and slightly changing the phrasings for the same campaign. Running multiple ads helps you monitor and retain the best performing ads while tweaking the least performing ads.


Your LinkedIn advertising strategy determines your conversions. Understanding your target audience, targeting a broad audience at the start of your campaign, and narrowing the audience as the campaign progress helps create a formidable LinkedIn ads strategy. Also, it is best to create specific advertisements, offer gated content, and update your bidding and budget for higher conversions.