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7 considerations for enhancing your application security strategy

7 considerations for enhancing your application security strategy

The security of your web applications is necessary to maintain business flow. Although standard and old IT security controls are essential security layers, they can’t defend against or alert you to many attack vectors specific to web applications. 

Application security consulting is one of the highly efficient methodologies for evaluating the safety measures of an application by simulating malicious behavior. Unsecure web applications can leak internal, client, and other information to scammers. Hence we recommend optimized application security protocol for every domain such as finance, IT, healthcare, defense, banking, government, education, retail, ecommerce, construction, and more.

What is Application Security Consulting?

Application security consulting employs best practices and expert guidance to help organizations prevent and remediate cyber-attacks, breaches, and viruses. Choosing what fits your application in terms of antivirus and data encryption techniques will define the security of your entire organization. The main objective is to prevent unauthorized users from entering the system to steal your sensitive data sets. Here are the main areas security consultants address when building robust security solutions:

Key aspects of application security

Identification algorithms: 

Develop very strict user identification algorithms to keep your data safe. Hackers and scammers are knowledgeable and sneaky: They can log in as a user and get all the data they need from your drives. All devices that you’re using must be secure as well. A high level of identification and re-identification has to be involved in your application.

Notification algorithms:

The authorized team members and/or the users themselves have to be notified if anyone tries to enter the application without permission. It is even better if multiple individuals are alerted so action can be taken quickly.

Customer data should be the priority:

Wemust not jeopardize customer data at any cost.Losing customer data doesn’t just mean you lose the information; there’s also a big chance you lose your customer. Encrypt your data professionally before transferring it to another device or drive.

Awareness and training:

Fostering awareness around application security is also a big step. Even in today’s world of scammers and spyware networks, many people are not aware of the threat. Provide training and conduct seminars on how to detect and fix problems. It’s important to develop a shared understanding of how to deal with data recovery, and what safety measures we all must take. 

Device protection:

Protecting your application and software is a consultant’s prime responsibility. However, that alone is not sufficient. Securing your devices is also extremely important. Your devices can be the first ones to get attacked. Leaving the device alone without logging off, or writing down the passwords on sticky notes are significant and common mistakes employees make.

Strong authentication and authorization:

People often don’t know what they’re protecting themselves against. Cyber attacks like phishing and your public network are not related over an SSL. People need to know how to prevent spam and what to protect against. VPN is a low-level mechanism that protects IO-level technology. All of us, especially employees working on big applications, need to know more about the security advantages of VPN.

API gateways and their management are more critical:

API-based integrations must extend beyond the browser. There’s a new field of security in which managers have the authority to do things on your behalf. This goes way beyond internet security, where users were in front of their computers. API managers are particularly important and should be well trained to handle such tasks. 


There are an unlimited number of viruses that could be engineered to enter the system to get your data. Such attacks are growing rapidly, and old firewalls won’t be able to fight efficiently. Understanding your application’s strengths and weaknesses can help you upgrade your Application security strategy. It’s always better to hire an application security consultant who knows the current landscape and who’s dedicated to understanding your system. Stay safe out there by protecting your data today!