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8 Tips for Creating High-Performing Instagram Ads

8 Tips for Creating High-Performing Instagram Ads

8 Tips for Creating High-Performing Instagram Ads

Instagram is a platform that’s ideal for businesses and marketers to connect with their customers and build their brand. It’s one of the few social media platforms that lets you post images and videos, which is a big deal. With that in mind, you need to know how to create the best ads to give your company the most visibility on Instagram. You can do Instagram paid promotion for better optimization as well as for Instagram video ads.

 However, here are 8 tips for creating high-performing Instagram ads that are sure to attract viewers.

Tips for Creating Effective Instagram Ads in 2022:

The Instagram ads manager can be an extremely effective tool for you to use in your marketing campaign. It allows you to create ads that are more targeted, while also making sure they’re relevant, effective and retargeting ads.

Here are eight high-performing tips for creating an effective Instagram ad:

Use a good image

A good image is the first step towards creating a successful ad. You should try to find an image that’s high-quality and has a lot of visual appeal. If possible, use a photo that features people or products that are relevant to your business. This will help people connect with your ad and make them more likely to engage with it.

Use motion:
Motion is one of the most powerful tools in an advertiser’s toolkit. It can capture attention, convey emotion and create a feeling of connection between an ad and its audience. When used correctly, it can create an experience that’s impossible to replicate with still images alone.

This month we’re rolling out a new feature that makes it easy to add motion to video ads in Instagram Ads Manager. Now you can choose from three preset animations — zoom, fade or pan — or customize your own transition by choosing from 15 different effects (like sliding glass doors!).

Optimize your video intro:

Video intro videos play before your main video plays, giving viewers a preview of what they’re about to watch. They work great at grabbing attention before an ad even starts playing, but they can also provide a valuable opportunity for further engagement after an ad has ended by directing people back into your app or website. 

Start with your current branding and audience:

How to advertise on Instagram? If you’re already using Instagram to share photos, videos and stories, then start by importing those posts into an ad campaign. Use the hashtag feature to find posts related to your business or brand. Once you’ve found them, simply add them to your campaign.

If you don’t have any existing posts in your account, start by creating a few posts before creating a campaign. Then use hashtags and captions that match your target audience’s interests. That way, when they see your ad in their feed, they’ll recognize it as something they want!

Create a carousel that starts with a CTA:

You can use the Instagram Ads Manager to create an Instagram sponsored ads that contains multiple images and videos. This might be helpful if you want to include more information or a longer story in your campaign.

To create a carousel, follow these steps:

  1. Click Create Ad.
  2. Select Carousel from the drop-down menu under Image Type and click Continue.
  3. In the Carousel Creation Tool, drag and drop up to 10 images or videos to create your carousel. You can also upload photos from your computer or add them from Instagram’s library 
  4. When you’re done adding images, click Save + Continue to move on to the next step in creating your ad.

Focus on quality in every step of video ad creation:

Create a great video with a clear call to action. The goal of your video ad is to get people to take some kind of action. That could be clicking the link in your bio or visiting your website, but it could also be something more complex, like making a purchase or scheduling an appointment. To achieve this goal, make sure that your video is easy to understand and follow. Your audience should know exactly what they are supposed to do next.

Make sure that your video has a clear beginning, middle and end. If your video has too many different scenes or settings it doesn’t tell a complete story. A good video should have one main feeling that runs throughout the entire thing — happiness, sadness, excitement etc.

Try lookalike audience targeting:

If you’re trying to reach a specific audience, Instagram Ads Management offers a wide range of options. You can target people who engage with your content or who fit into a specific demographic.

You can also use lookalike audiences to find new customers who are similar to your current customers. Lookalike targeting works by finding commonalities between your existing customer base and showing ads to people who match that profile.

This strategy is especially effective for ecommerce businesses that have been using Facebook or Instagram for a long time, as the platform will use historical information about the products you sell and their price points to create an accurate representation of your ideal customer.

When using lookalikes, it’s important to keep in mind that Instagram story ads has access to more data than just what you’ve posted on Instagram itself — it has access to Facebook’s vast collection of user data as well. So if you’re selling something like clothing or sunglasses, it’s possible that someone in another city might be targeted even if they haven’t engaged with your account yet.

Partner with a micro-influencer in your industry:

It’s no secret that influencers have a big impact on their followers. If you partner with one of the top micro-influencers in your industry, they can help you reach an audience with similar interests, demographics and behaviors as their own followers. Many micro-influencers charge as little as $50 per post, and they can be an effective way to reach a new audience.


Although you do need a little bit of experience and some pretty solid knowledge, it doesn’t take rocket science to create a good Instagram ad. If you are thinking about how to promote Instagram post then you also need to spend Instagram ads cost for effective ads.  If you follow some of these tips, keep your copy simple and make sure your graphics are on point, you’ll be well on your way to creating some high-performing ads for your clients’ Instagram pages.