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Advantages of a Smart Meter

Advantages of a Smart Meter

As of 2020, more than 21 million smart meters have been installed in homes across Great Britain. The push to install smart meters across the UK has become a topic of focus, as they offer many benefits and are a step towards the future in terms of upgrading to a smart home. This ties in with the desirability your home has, as smart homes have become sought after with prospective home buyers. If you’re wondering “how can I sell my house fast?” then maybe implementing a smart meter in your home is the way forward. Here at We Buy Any House have compiled a simple guide to the advantages of investing in a smart meter.

You Can See What You’re Spending:

Once you invest in a smart meter, you’ll begin to see your energy differently. As they enable you to see exactly what you’re using, or rather wasting, in very real time. You are able to see exactly which gadgets and appliances are draining the most energy, and due to the meters traffic light system, you can control which appliances are switched on or off.

The display shows:

Energy Habits:

Having a smart meter encourages everyone in the household to undertake good energy habits. As the meter enables you to see how much electricity you are using, you can review the current number and adapt your lifestyle habits accordingly. The device helps you create budgets and set targets in terms of your energy habits.

No Need to Submit to Meter Readings:

Smart meters send out your readings to a supplier which saves you the hassle of submitting them yourself each month. No longer will you have to stand outside in the rain trying to see your meter reading or remember to submit the reading on time. This offers ease and comfort for homeowners, which is a great luxury to have.

Accurate Bills:

Before the introduction of smart meters, people would typically use guesswork to estimate how much their monthly bill is going to amount to. With the smart meter, your bills will be 100% accurate- removing the guesswork for you.  With standard meters, the suppliers guess may be inaccurate, especially if they don’t have a lot of information about your usage. With a smart meter, you can guarantee a correct figure will be generated each time and will also remove the shock of a large final bill at the end of your tariff.

Highlights Faulty Appliances:

The device will show sudden spikes on the meter, which are a symbol or an association with faulty appliances. This enables you to deal with repairs quickly and safely, ensuring that your home system is in good condition all the time.

Saving the Planet:

Perhaps the most important factor is that smart meters are better for the planet. Not only do they help you make better choices regarding your usage of energy consumption, but these informed decisions ensure that there is less pressure on the electricity grid. Smart Energy GB have estimated that there will be a 24% decrease in emissions from homes and businesses by 2030 if we continue to make more conscious efforts in regards to our energy consumption.