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Different Levels Of Gaming Addiction

Different Levels Of Gaming Addiction

Video game addiction is a serious epidemic that’s sweeping the world. Due to easy access to the internet, app platforms such as Apple Store and Google Play and the instant gratification that games offer, it’s easy to become addicted even if you aren’t a hardcore gamer.

It’s best to have an idea of what kind of game addictions you could be experiencing so you can get out of it and live a balanced life.

The Drive

Most digital games are constructed to have a beginning and an end, which can be anything from saving the princess, beating the final boss or unlocking all the endings. As you can see, the gamer’s drive to addiction will be completing these objectives no matter how long it takes or how it affects their day-to-day lives.


Gambling addiction has translated well to games that offer a chance of winning in a luck- or skill-based title. offers a friendly reminder that the objective is to have fun, and games should be viewed as a temporary diversion rather than a lifelong addiction. Always be aware of where you are and stick to your limits.

Online Multiplayer

There’s something really addicting about playing within a group, whether online through the internet or with friends. Moreover, there’s no ending or objective to meet, so as long as you’re playing there’s a chance that you’ll feel compelled to go on. In MMORPGs, it can be an avenue of escape from real life to a fantasy realm where you can become a hero or a popular character.

Is Treatment Possible?

If you find that your addiction to video games or gambling has disrupted your life and that of your friends or family, it’s time to seek help. Fortunately, there are several treatment methods available, from joining a support group to speaking and discussing it with a loved one.