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Do Your DayCare Employees need Insurance?

Do Your DayCare Employees need Insurance?

If you operate a day care then you might not be sure if your employees need insurance or not. This is understandable, but at the end of the day, you have to make sure that they are protected and that they also have the support they need from your company.

Liability Insurance

General liability cover is otherwise known as slip and fall insurance. The best thing about it is that it protects you in the event where a visitor becomes injured at your business. Out of all the types of insurance there are, you always need to make sure that you focus on the ones listed below.

Child Injury

If a child was to break their leg while playing on the slide at your day care, then your team could be held liable for this. Sure, the equipment you have is safe, but you might not be able to prove that you were supervising them. You may also find that you need to pay for the hospital visits, the physical therapy and anything else that comes after. This can cause you major problems and you may even find that you are not able to recover from it. This is just one of the many reasons why your team need to have child care insurance.

Personal Injury

If one of your team members were to become injured while working on the job, then this could also cause problems for you. You may find that you are not able to pay for their bills as well as your own and this can really put a dent in your finances. At the end of the day, if anyone was to get injured while working on your premises then you have to give them a level of protection. You never know if your team are going to slip or even if they are going to experience health issues because of the building you have. Sure, scenarios like this may seem unlikely but this is not always the case.

Covering Legal Costs

Think about what would happen if you were to be sued? You would probably have general cover which would protect you and cover your law costs. If you have a team member who gets sued on the other hand, then a minimal policy might not protect them as well. This can cause you major issues and you may even find that you are not able to pay for everything. Your team might not have as much faith in your company as they could either and this is again, another thing that you need to watch out for.

Of course, there are so many things that you can do to try and help your day care and you would be surprised at how sometimes a few small changes can make all the difference. At the end of the day, nothing is more important than protecting your employees and this all starts out with purchasing the right insurance policy.