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How EMERGE App Is Helping SMBs With Inventory And Order Management


EMERGE, a comprehensive management software suite, is your all-in-one platform for inventory and order management and basic accounting solutions. EMERGE stands out from the competition as the Best Inventory Management Software for SMBs for providing business owners all the help they can get.

Efficiently Manage Your Entire Operation

All SMBs will agree that having to manage your inventory manually is an ardous, difficult task. Inefficiencies currently abound in the industry- retailers only make use of written order forms, Excel files, or sometimes even nothing at all when trading, distributing or selling products wholesale.

With EMERGE, you’ll be able to manage your operation via multiple sales channels for accounting, inventory, product management and purchasing.

Quick Access and Flexibility For Drop Shippers

EMERGE’s cloud-based system blends in perfectly with businesses both big and small. If your company’s daily activities include e-commerce distribution, trading and buying, then this is the software for you. The dropshipping features allow online access, purchase and fulfillment in one single app. When all information is centralized you’ll have a better idea on whether you should make a full or a partial purchase and manage bulk orders.

Actual and Physical Inventory Monitoring

Warehouse managers won’t have to physically run around to check stocks. EMERGE works in real time, i.e., inventory automatically takes off one red dress, for example, when a store employee rings it up for a customer. The sales teams and reps will only have to look at one accurate stock management window in order to fulfill a customer’s order.

Integrated Accounting Functionality

EMERGE has all these features included- invoice creation, multiple currency reporting, automatic updates, consolidated and partial payments, accounts payable w/ supplier invoice, payment tracking, customer account statement and debit and credit note creation. It’s truly an all-in-one basic account software you can rely on.

Manage Order Processing From Quote To Cash

All product information are contained inside one intuitive app. Using the B2B eCommerce platform, SMB owners can actively customize products to suit each unique customer’s preferences. EMERGE app users can easily create tiered pricing, set price ranges, create product catalogs and group merchandise according to brand, category, and more. You’ll be able to generate quotes for customers and convert it easily into an order form. These quotations and sales orders can be turned into PDFs and attached to customer email while on the move.