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Facebook stops working on Mozilla Firefox

An Image of Firefox browser and Facebook

Yes, Facebook is Down! Facebook has stopped working with all Mozilla Firefox internet browser users. It’s unclear if the issue is from Mozilla Firefox or with Facebook’s system. It is believed that an error made by Facebook has taken the site offline for millions of Firefox internet browser users. Although there are no official statements made by Facebook or Mozilla Firefox team.

At the time of publishing this news article, Facebook remained down via Firefox and appeared to be working on Google Chrome. Facebook users may switch to Google Chrome until Facebook and Firefox work out the issue.

Update:- It has been confirmed that the issue is with Facebook and not Firefox. Facebook users currently having trouble posting comments and sending photos via messager and on Google Chrome too. While some are having troubling logging into their Facebook accounts via Facebook App.

While Facebook had gone down, users turned onto twitter to report the issue. Most of them have reported that Instagram is down along with Facebook. It’s still unclear what Facebook is up to, while the world panics.

Update:- Facebook has started to work fine on Firefox and Google Chrome. We at “The Hack Post” have tested sending our photo’s via private message, which was sent smoothly. We can also confirm that Facebook has started to work on Firefox. Although, we aren’t sure if the issue would come back at any minute. Let’s hope it doesn’t.

TheHackPost team will update this news article as soon as new updates have been received.