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Family Orbit – A Helpful Tool For Parenting In The Digital Age

Best iPhone Parental

iPhones are highly versatile devices that provide usefulness to people of all ages. Kids and teens enjoy how easy it is to communicate via chat, text their friends, post on social networks, surf the web and play mobile games on their iPhone. Using a parental monitoring software is one step towards ensuring your kids aren’t doing anything untoward on the world wide web.

Monitoring what a child is doing is a difficult but vital task for parents. Family Orbit makes life a bit easier. It’s the best monitoring app around when you need to control, monitor and limit access on your child’s iPhone, iPod or iPad device for:

Ensuring Online Safety

There are millions of internet users all over the world, and not all of them are good. The same goes for internet websites, videos and content. Family Orbit ensures online safety is maintained when it comes to browsing sites and communicating with other people by blocking access to potentially dangerous and unsafe sites and apps.

Protecting Your Child

Bad influence and virtual or physical bullying is a serious concern. Parents can stay on top of things by installing Family Orbit and seeing the contacts added in your child’s iPhone. Moreover, you’ll be able to see the phone’s location and the corresponding time and date.

Limiting Gadget Usage

Parental controls can be set according to your declared parameters. You can limit the hours they spend staring at their phones during bedtime, school time, dinner time and the like. Remote access is also a nifty feature that allows you to either lock or unlock your child’s iPhone anytime, anywhere.

Family Orbit gains the distinction of being very easy to use because jailbreaking the phone isn’t a necessary step. All you need is to install Family Orbit and a remote connection with the phone’s iCloud server will be established. All iPhone information, including apps installed, text messages, calls, website and browsing history and photos and videos will be unlocked for your perusal.

Visit Family Orbit here to sign up and start tracking!