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Five Essential Tools For Youtubers

Five Essential Tools For Youtubers

In the 21st century, visuals are more powerful than ever. Alongside helping connect with audiences, it leaves a more lasting impression than text-based information. As a result, demand for pictures, infographics, and especially videos are skyrocketing. Videos are capable of communicating emotions, expressions, and brand messages. Therefore, marketers are more inclined towards YouTube.

It is the second-largest search engine in the world, flooded with hundreds and thousands of channels. The competition of becoming a vlogger is pretty intense, as this platform has 2 billion active users. However, mistakes and shortcuts can cut your career short. Hence, you have to do something outstanding to make your channel outshine.

With the right YouTube tools by your side, you can accomplish everything. It helps you create videos and puts your channel in front of the target audience.

Here we are unveiling five essential tools for YouTubers to level up their game:

1.    Voice Transcription Software

When it comes to creating videos, you are limiting yourself to a specific audience. Only those people can enjoy these videos who possess both regular sight and hearing. Approximately 5%-8% of the population faces difficulty hearing, which means the YouTubers may miss out on a significant audience. Thus, if you wish to stand out among the crowd, transcribe your videos.

These transcriptions are super helpful for online learning, as students can comprehend better. Likewise, it allows users to watch videos even when they are in a sound-sensitive environment, where audio is unavailable. It is pretty simple – you have to insert a video link, and it would use voice recognition transcription to generate transcripts automatically.

Moreover, if you are struggling with the rankings, transcripts can help the search engine crawl to the text. Hence, resulting in proper indexing of the videos.

2.    YouTube Studio

To accommodate vloggers, YouTube stepped into this field by bringing its video-creating app to the public. It is a must-have tool for managing your channel from smartphones. It offers the perfect solution when you don’t have laptops but have to make amendments to the page. You can monitor the performance of your channel as the studio gives access to real-time analytics.

It pushes notifications directly to your mobile devices while sending you alerts for significant events. In short, it is an incredible tool for YouTubers who wish to get handy with all the control settings, thumbnails, scheduling, et cetera. After all, what could be better than updating your channel from anywhere?

3.    Promote with VidIQ

You might put every effort into creating engaging content, but sometimes, results are not up to the expectations. Do you want to know where things go wrong? VidIQ is an incredible way to track and monitor your YouTube audience. It lets you catch sight of people watching your videos to generate content according to their tastes and preferences.

Likewise, you would get in-depth reports to improve the performance of the YouTube channel. Feel free to inspect your keyword scores, views, and engagement metrics to ensure you are not lagging. Instead of solely focusing on subscribers, it helps you understand the importance of user stats and keywords. Besides, it allows you to dig at your competitor’s stats and information to develop better strategies.

4.    Lightworks

Although you have a top-notch camera, high-quality videos call for editing software. If you are an IOS user, iMovie could be a perfect choice, but if not, then Lightworks is the ultimate video editing tool for windows. It is a non-linear video-editing application, meaning weak internet signals or power failures won’t affect your work.

It offers a drag and drop method, making it easier to edit and crop the video shots. Similarly, if you struggle with lighting, it has color blending features to enhance the quality of video images. Have you seen Wolf of the Wall Street, Pulp Function, or Hugo? Surprisingly enough, the software makes these top-notch Hollywood movies. Well, to achieve the same effects for your video, you have to spend a few bucks purchasing this software.

5.    Tubebuddy

It is a quite popular Google Chrome, Safari, and firebox extension that does wonders for YouTubers. Once you install the software, it would automatically integrate itself with YouTube. Thus, you can directly run tests to improve the performance of content. It comprises scheduling tools that work both ways, allowing them to upload and remove videos by setting date and time.

Do you know what makes it so great? SEO functionality. When uploading videos, it displays multiple options, allowing you to optimize a video as per the search engine’s regulations. You would come across character limits and SEO checklists. It also gives suggestions on how to make your videos rank higher and get more views.


Some YouTubers are uploading videos without any reason or strategy. Do you imagine your channel to be superhit like this? Of course, not. You have to take your video marketing strategy to the next level by leveraging tech-savvy tools. Whether you are a marketer, vlogger, or influencer, these tools offer everyone benefits, enhancing the quality of content.