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How to Choose the Best Unlimited Internet Plan?

How to Choose the Best Unlimited Internet Plan?

The use of the internet in the current era is unavoidable. Almost all our daily routine depends more or less on the internet. It has become an inescapable part of our life, from checking your morning emails to calling your client over Skype. But what will happen if it starts giving you unpleasant surprises due to poor connectivity? Imagine you are over Skype call with a client, and suddenly the call gets disconnected. Or you are about to finish your downloading process, and you get a message that you have used all your data for the month. To avoid such unpleasant and embarrassing situations, you need to rely on unlimited internet packages. With unlimited broadband data plans, you will get a lot of room, not just to be able to download your favorite movie in high definition resolution.

You are choosing the right internet data plans to help you save many inconveniences familiar with limited internet plans. There are different plans in unlimited data packs, but how do you choose the right one for you? There are a few usage factors that can help you decide which plan to choose. You need to check how many members of your family that will use the internet via your plan. Knowing the number of members and their daily internet usage, you can figure out the average monthly data that you all will be used collectively, and you can select the best package for yourself.

Broadly We can Classify Users into Three Categories:

Light Users-

Users who require internet for necessary activities like sending/receiving emails, using social media platforms to view/posting feeds and stories, and viewing/downloading movies and songs once in a while. If you are happy watching movies and songs in low resolutions and slow streaming of data doesn’t bother you much, you are a light user. Light users have less number of members in the family having the same pattern as mentioned above.

Average Users-

When you do more than checking your emails and surfing your social media accounts, you come in the intermediate user category. Mainly it includes live gaming, programming on different platforms, and video streaming. Downloading and streaming movies and songs in high definition faster than 4G on smart phones also makes you an average internet user. You do a little bit of everything when you are a middle group internet user.

Heavy Users-

When you are a pro internet user, have coding skills that require uploading and downloading massive codes, and require connecting with the client anywhere in the world on skype and do meetings on their company build platforms, need unlimited internet services. One who is a download addict and likes streaming movies in 4K HD at ultra high speed, watching videos on popular apps like Netflix, Amazon Prime, etc., and access data in excess, you qualify as a heavy internet user.


Understanding your daily internet need is an essential requirement when getting a high-speed internet pack at your place. With these categories, one can calculate the speed they require for a seamless experience and select the right internet data pack. If you have any doubts about getting the exemplary service, you can contact us- Bravo telecom.