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How to Sell on Azure Marketplace?

How to Sell on Azure Marketplace?

What is Azure Marketplace?

There are two online stores of the Microsoft commercial marketplace. They are:

  1. Microsoft AppSource
  2. Azure Marketplace.

Azure Marketplace has all the IT solutions for the problems which you might be facing in your business or online store. Azure Marketplace is like a cloud store or a powerful channel which helps the business to market and sell all your cloud solutions. Though you can only sell those cloud solutions which are certified to run on the Azure Marketplace.


You can get the below mentioned features while using the Azure Marketplace. There are three main features. They are –

To get started on Microsoft Azure Marketplace, there are two ways through which you can do that –

1. You can publish your cloud solutions which needs to be certified by Azure to run on the marketplace.

Note: You can find a publisher guide which can help you understand how to publish your solutions and how the process works. You can find it on the Microsoft Azure website.

2. You can start your business or online store to sell your products through Azure Marketplace.

Note: You can find a business guide through which you can learn how the process of setting up your business is and the tips & tricks to grow your business.

How to Sell on Azure Marketplace?

First create a free account on Azure Marketplace, you can get 12 months of free services through it. There are around 25 or more services on Azure Marketplace which will be always free for you during these 12 months. You can also upgrade your account which will be paid to get more features and some upgraded services as well.

1. Apply to get listed

The first thing you need to do is submit your offer where a business offer or any other service which you provide. Once your business gets listed on Azure Marketplace, you can start selling through it.

2. Drive More Leads

After your business get listed on the Azure marketplace, you need to generate some leads for your potential customers. These leads can give the customers’ ability to spin up live instances of the applications or business which are currently running on Azure Marketplace. Doing this can help the customers to understand how your business is going to meet their needs.

3. Promote Your Solutions

Next thing you need to do is to gain access to the Microsoft enterprise sellers. Once you gain the access, you can get access to all the Microsoft customers from around 100 countries and regions. You can promote your business or cloud solution nationwide with the help of the Microsoft enterprise sellers.

4. Grow Revenue

You also need to keep a track of your transactions which are the income and expenses of your business. For a successful business, you need to leverage some rich commerce capabilities. You also need to get insights about how your business is performing and if you are gaining any revenue or is your business growing or not.

So, this how you can build your business on Azure Marketplace and also sell on Azure Marketplace.