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How to Send Email Marketing Campaigns That Get Delivered into the Inbox?

How to Send EmaiHow to Send Email Marketing Campaigns That Get Delivered into the Inbox?

Email marketing leads to more conversions compared to any other marketing channel, including search marketing and social media. Running email marketing campaigns require money, but it can also deliver a massive ROI (about 3800%) at the same time.

The catch, however, lies in getting your email campaigns delivered to the inbox of your prospects. Lack of email validation is one of the reasons why your email campaigns don’t reach your prospects’ inbox, and therefore, are never seen by them. Hence, it’s natural to see low open rates and click-through rates.

To make sure that your email campaigns reach your prospects’ inbox and you reap the best results, here are a few tips you must follow:

  1. Check your sender score

Email validation is undoubtedly essential to check if a particular email address exists or not, which can be easily done by EmailChecker, but you also have to pay heed to your sender score. It is a credit score that tells email providers and spam filters how desirable and trustworthy your emails are. The score usually ranges from zero and a hundred, and it changes every day. You must check this score regularly to avoid any email delivery failure.

  1. Avoid spammy words

You should always know that spam filters are very unwelcoming towards commercial advertisements and promotional materials. It’s not necessary that they will send your email to the spam folder of your prospects, but it can certainly trigger an adverse response from them. So, you should avoid using so-called trigger words that might give the impression that your email is promotional. At the same time, you must also avoid using language and phrases that are typical of phishing attacks.

  1. Optimize for all devices

Forty-nine percent of all emails are opened on mobile devices. So, it’s time that you craft email campaigns that cater to a huge number of mobile phone users. As an email marketer, you have to design email campaigns and check your email delivery service to ensure your message is visible and readable on multiple devices. You must have a responsive email template in place to ensure seamless rendering of content on various devices. In addition to this, make sure you send a text-based email to your prospects too as these emails work quite well on mobile devices.

  1. Always use a consistent email address

Rotating your “From” address is considered a typical spammer tactic. Besides paying attention to your email validation system, you must have a consistent “From” address to build a good reputation before your prosHow to Send Email Marketing Campaigns That Get Delivered into the Inbox?

  1. Check blacklists

Last but certainly not least, you must check if anti-spam organizations have blacklisted your prospects’ email addresses. These organizations maintain global blacklists that many ISPs use to see if a particular IP address falls in the negative list for sending spam emails, sending emails to spam trap accounts, or getting many complaints from email recipients. You can also use an automated blacklist checker to check your URLs and identify potential issues before hitting the send button.