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Maintaining Hack-Free Communications: Is VoIP Secure?

Maintaining Hack-Free Communications: Is VoIP Secure?

In any kind of modern business, you will need to call several different people throughout the day. It doesn’t matter if you’re reaching out to people across the world to sell your product or contacting people for their opinions. There will come a point when you need to spend days on the phone.

Most people assume that talking over the phone is private since information isn’t as visible as other kinds of data. Just because you’re talking to someone online doesn’t make VOIP secure, though. There are differences between the kinds of security that goes into traditional phone systems and digital ones.

Understanding these differences is crucial to ensuring that your phone conversations stay private and secure. And luckily, it’s easy to understand how VOIP systems work to make sure you and your customers’ information stays safe. The system secures it just like any other kind of data and keeps you in control of who accesses it.

And to learn more about how VOIP can improve your business and securely connect you with more clients, keep reading below!

Making VOIP Secure is Easier Than Old Phone Systems

Old phone systems expected users to simply have faith that their conversations were private. Users had almost no say in how their information was handled, transferred, or manipulated. They were totally at the whims of their phone companies.

Now, average people have the power to make communication secure. Even if your phone company gets hacked, you can still protect the information that passed through it. People realize that companies don’t always know best and that they need to look out for themselves.

Average users began to find the voice over IP reseller that’s right for them. They began doing business with companies that didn’t want control over people and promised exactly what they could provide. As a result, VOIP communication systems emerged, and companies could start securely reaching customers.

And so, communication grew more secure. To learn some of the ways how VOIP can be made more secure than traditional phone systems, keep reading below!

Encryption is Common in All Internet Protocols

One of the most powerful tools everyone has access to is encryption. With basic encryption tools, you can obscure your information so that only the people it is meant for can read it. By encrypting information, you can make sure no one intercepts your data and exploits it.

And online, almost everything is encrypted. Just look up at your URL bar — if you see a lock symbol, your data is encrypted right now! Why would your VOIP Data be any different?

Whenever you send voice information online, it’s encrypted so that only the intended person has access to it. Nobody will hear your conversation who isn’t a part of it. And that’s just a part of VOIP that’s built right into the system!

Hardware Security is As Important As Anything Else

One of the ways old phone systems could be hacked is if someone physically installed a device to intercept data. They could install it in a phone line, and the device would transmit data away from the phone company to the hacker. All it took was fifteen minutes, and your phone company could have been hacked.

With VOIP, you don’t need to worry about someone else’s hardware getting hacked that easily. Your own hardware’s security is up to you. If someone wants to hack it, they will need to access it in the first place, and that can be hard to get!

With some basic company security techniques, you can make sure only approved people handle your hardware. And when only a limited amount of people use your phone system, you don’t need to worry about random hackers getting in!

Call it Control — VOIP Systems Empower You

Getting a VOIP system does more for you than just secure your conversations. It also gives you control over how your phone system works, and who it connects you to. And with modern VOIP technology, you have more control than ever over how your company communicates.

You can set regions for the auto-dialing numbers, allowing you to specify the kind of people you want to connect to. You can record conversations from convenient desktop applications, and call people from a set of numbers. The possibilities are almost endless when it comes to modern VOIP technology.

And to learn more about how they help you more than traditional phone systems, keep reading below!

Change Your Number As You Change Calls

Sometimes, your company may want to change the number it uses to call people. It’s better to call people from a number with the same area code, for example. And shows people that you’re committed to working with them by using set numbers for support calls, sales calls, and other kinds too.

Traditional phone systems use to give you a limited amount of numbers to choose from, all of which were associated with specific phones. Now, you can change numbers from the comfort of a keyboard. And you can do it automatically as you switch calls.

You can set your VOIP system to always call people from the same area code as them. All it takes is a few clicks, and you’ll be ahead of the competition!

Autodial To Maximize Efficiency and Boost Productivity

Staying competitive means staying efficient and productive. It means making sure that everyone in your company is focused at all times. Every new dial tone may be the sound of more revenue coming into your company, so your phones shouldn’t ever stay silent!

With VOIP systems, you can make sure they’re always dialing something. Once one call ends, the system can automatically dial the next number on the list for the day. With these kinds of auto-dialing systems, you can guarantee that employees stay engaged and focused.

It also means they will get through more numbers in a single day, making your company money!

Invest in a VOIP System to Secure Your Company

Making your company secure takes several steps, but one of the most important of them is securing your company’s communication. It’s hard to make traditional phone systems secure enough to do business over. Making VOIP secure is as simple as downloading a security program for your computer!

And that’s just the start of what VOIP can do to help your company. If you want to know how to get started with it, keep reading here! Our website is always updated with the latest tech news so you can stay ahead of the industry, and secure your future!