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Micro-management: signs and ways to overcome

Micro-management: signs and ways to overcome

Many people do not like it if they look under their arms while doing some work. It’s very bad when it comes to a manager who follows every step of an employee. He calls, writes in the chat, constantly comes into the office and all in order to once again control the staff and ruin his team.

How do I recognize a micro-manager?

Micro-management is the super-control of the wards. The manager assigns the task and instead of waiting for the result within the stipulated time frame, intervenes in the execution process. If there are several ways to solve the task, he will make sure that the employee does exactly as he said. Also, the micro-manager is characterized by some or all of these actions:

What types of managers most often become micromanagers?

#1 Just finished university.

This includes a boss with no HR management experience: a university graduate or someone who has just been promoted. He is ambitious, but insecure. There are chances that with time, he will learn to trust, delegate and replace any micromanagement experience.

#2 Supervisor-slacker

It has qualified employees who perform their work unattended. In his spare time, he will have to deal with strategy, set goals and make decisions. It is more difficult than kicking and playing the important boss.

#3 Opposed to delegation

Failure to delegate is the most common message for signs of micromanagement in a company. Such a boss is a warrior alone in the field. Always busy and dissatisfied, he controls the staff to understand why everything should be done by himself. Although, the reason lies in him.

Good Or Evil

If you look at the pros and cons of micromanagement, their number is the same. Supercontrol will be useful in work with newcomers, when the micromanager not only monitors the work, but also comes to help the employee during adaptation. In the case of permanent employees, plus micromanagement, it helps to keep a responsible job or project under control. But these advantages do not defeat the disadvantages of micromanagement. When you ask an employee what he or she is working on for the hundredth time in a day, watch his or her every step – you risk raising a ward that only works after the kick. You also spend time on strategic issues to control your employees. That is, it’s not about bad time management, but the wrong management tactics.


 + Pro  —Con
1. Ability to control the process at each stage. 1. Diving into the routine and lack of time.
2. Control of instructions execution. Blocking the potential of personnel. 2.
Management of non-subordinate employees. 3. 3. Decreasing trust in the team.
4. The ability to control work in circumstances that change rapidly. 4. Education of non-dependent employees.
5. 5. Management of a new employee and assistance in accepting authorities. 5. Reducing employee motivation
6. Complete understanding of the processes in the company. 6. The staff is less involved in the work, does not show initiative.

How to relax control?

Micro-management is a management disease that has not only characteristic symptoms, but also treatment methods. You should start with the understanding that you are too controlling the staff. To do this, analyze your day: what do you spend your working time on make a list of your tasks and those that can be delegated.

The next stage after realizing the problem with micromanagement is how to fight this pond?

  1. Build confidence in your team through open communication.
  2. Focus on the result, not the process.
  3. Instead of being afraid of competition, learn and develop.
  4. Say goodbye to perfectionism and the desire to make everything perfect.
  5. Take staff mistakes as an integral part of growth.
  6. Support the initiative of employees.
  7. Learn to accept healthy criticism.
  8. Analyze your time and delegate tasks to your employees.
  9. Discuss with the ward your expectations from his work.
  10. Every morning start with five minutes – let it be the only communication with the staff during the day.


Control the workflow to the extent possible, otherwise micromanagement will have a negative impact on performance. Employees will get used to doing everything strictly according to instructions – there will be a team of zombies, not independent and proactive employees.

Micro-managers become managers for a number of reasons, most often it is a lack of experience. The low level of management skills generates distrust in the staff and forces them to look for a solution in the ward’s hyper-control.

Micro-management is useful when you need to shake up lazy employees, follow the process of an important project or adapt a newcomer to the company. Otherwise, don’t stand over your team’s head and demand accountability for every step you take. More trust and a focus on results will ensure your business success.