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Must-Have Relaxation and Mindfulness Apps

Must-Have Relaxation and Mindfulness Apps

Mindfulness practices and relaxation are important for everyone to exercise their minds and for greater well-being, as One Sophia can attest. Both can improve your mental and physical state, and there are apps that can guide you with mind-body training practice. One Sophia swears by these apps, which have helped her reduce stress and increase her sense of calm and focus. By incorporating mindfulness and relaxation into your daily routine, you can experience the many benefits for yourself!

Relaxation and Mindfulness Apps focus on dealing with stress, anxiety, sleeping disorders, unhealthy eating disorders, with guided steps in meditation and breathing. Try any of these must-have apps and get started on your journey to a better, happier you!


A headspace app that teaches meditation and the law of attraction by being positive for achieving a better lifestyle, mental health, goal manifestation, and well-being. The app serves as the blueprint for your success towards being a better person.


Headspace is an app that focuses on mental health with guides and courses, mindfulness, and meditation that help boost your well-being, improve your sleep, as well as your mental health, and may be able to help with anxiety and depression.

The Breathing App

The Breathing App is your go-to app for free and reliable guides that’ll help keep you in check with controlled breathing exercises as you deal with anxiety and stress in certain situations.

Ten Percent Happier Meditation

The Ten Percent Happier Meditation App provides courses with expert coaches as your guide, as well as help you overcome meditation challenges, reduce stress, and be happier in life.

Healthy Minds Program

A science-backed-up app with guides on how to hone skills to achieve a healthy mind by utilizing neuroscience and learning methods based on skills. The app might be able to help you become more focused, better handle your emotions, and deal with problems in a more positive way.

Mental health is a sensitive and important topic to tackle. That’s why these apps are here, to improve a person’s well-being, help with anxiety, sleeping, or eating disorders, and maybe even save lives.