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Seven advantage of the Robotic Vacuums

Robotic Vacuums

Cleaning is a domestic chore you hardly can call your favorite. Nevertheless, you or someone you hire have to do this job several times per week. On the one hand, it’s boring and on the other it’s tiresome. And it stays boring and tiresome even if you have a powerful cleaner or some other technical devices.

Modern life undergoes the unique and amazing changes. Wire devices have become wireless, those that had buttons now have sensors, and even the cleaning equipment had changed.

So, vacuum cleaners also underwent the changes. Now, the robots work instead of huge and massive machines. They are small and as powerful and efficient as the ordinary vacuum cleaners. If you are tired of endless cleaning we recommend to purchase the robot vacuum to do your domestic chores quickly and easily; and if you are looking for the reason to buy one, we will give seven advantages of the robotic vacuum cleaner.

The advantages of the robot vacuum cleaners

Before we go deep into advantages let us say a pair of words about the device. Robotic vacuum cleaner or so-called robovac is a portable wireless vacuum cleaner that works autonomously according to the schedule the owner programmed. Most of the robovacs are of round shape, have sensors and brushes, and powerful motor with quite an awesome suction power. They work without any human participation and have quite a number of different cleaning parameters.

#1: portability and mobility

If you purchase the robot vacuum cleaner you can forget about a massive machine with a long wire floundering among your legs and terrible hose. The robot has no wires and hose, it is lightweight. The heaviest robot vacuum cleaner weights about 4.7 lbs and, according to this article, it’s Roomba of 900 series.

So, you can take the robot and put it in any place you want. Or, if you live in the flat you don’t need to take it anywhere, it will go by itself and clean every corner and areas under the furniture.

#2: time saver

The robot vacuum cleaner works autonomously. It means that you don’t need to participate in the cleaning process. The only thing you need to do is to put the schedule to the device: when and where you want to start cleaning. And that’s all.

So, relax and have fun while your smart helper does the job you don’t need to do anymore.

#3: Power and softness

Most robot vacuum cleaners have a powerful motor. For example, iRobot Roomba of 900 series has a motor with suction power 1700 Pa and this parameter is twice higher than an ordinary vacuum cleaner.

Although the robotic vacuums are powerful, they stay to be gentle to your floor and carpets.  The unique system of brushes allows controlling the level of the vacuum influence on the floor. Moreover,  most of the brushes have very soft bristle, so, your carpet fabric won’t be damaged in no way.

#4: a friend to the pets

Do you remember how frightening the regular vacuum cleaner was to your pets? Dogs from big to small did not know where to hide. Cats were almost dying from fear and hid before you even took the vacuum cleaner to make the cleaning.

You can forget about this problem if you get robot vacuum cleaner. The device has a pet-friendly design. It’s rather small to frighten anyone and almost noiseless in comparison with the regular vacuum cleaner. For example, the Roomba of 980 has a level of noise about 70 bd. It’s almost half a quite than any other non-robotic vacuum cleaner.

#5: a friend to the children

When you are a young mom, to do the domestic chores can become quite a problem, especially when it is necessary to vacuum the room or the house. At first, you have not enough time to do this, at the second, if your baby is asleep there is a risk to wake it up with the noise of the vacuum cleaner.

The robotic vacuum cleaners are more flexible and friendly. Most of them are quieter than any other vacuum cleaner. They also work in an autonomous way that means that the robot can vacuum when you are on the walk with your baby. So, the child will not even guess that you have a vacuum cleaner.

#6: better filtration

Dust and allergens are the most essential problem of any vacuuming. Unfortunately, regular vacuum cleaners can not afford the total dust and allergens removal. It’s because of the wired construction when you need to pull it all over the house.

So, the dust falls on the cleaner body, it flies when you move it and stays unsucked. The situation with the robot vacuum cleaner is different. Most of these devices have some unique cleaning features that remove dust before it flies from under the brushes. Some of the robovacs have side holes to suck the dust that flies in the air around the device.

#7: smart connectivity

The ordinary vacuum cleaners have only one type of connectivity; it’s the wire that goes to the electricity net. Robot vacuum cleaners are modern devices that can be controlled through smartphones and some other wireless protocols.

You can connect your robot to the smart home system, and vacuum your flat by one tap of the finger.  Smart connectivity of the robot vacuum cleaners also saves your time and help to optimize some other domestic chores.


Well, now you know quite a number of advantages of the robot vacuum cleaner and you can be sure that purchase the robot vacuum cleaner is a great investment not only in your comfortable life but also in the comfortable life of your pets and housemates.