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5 Reasons To Spy On Your Child’s Online Activities

A child with a mobile

Online supervision is increasingly necessary in today’s times. A majority of the young generation stays connected on probably more than one device, with profiles across various social networks. Snapchat is one of the widely used platforms that open up the digital world to the eyes of a child.

They can share almost anything and everything they dare to try. Kids think it’ll be deleted in a few seconds anyway, when the message may turn out somewhere else to haunt them. That’s only one of the many possibilities that can happen over the web.

First and foremost, a solid mother/father-and-child relationship is essential to stay in the loop, where your son or daughter openly welcomes you in his or her life. Once you’ve established this foundation, your kid must be reminded to exhibit appropriate virtual behavior and made aware of these lewd elements that they may face:

Cyber Bullying

Kids may be harassed, threatened, tormented or embarrassed by their very own peers, yet they choose to stay miserable rather than open up.

Over Sharing

Many users ask for ASL (age, sex, and location) upfront. From passwords to sexy selfies to your home address, kids may not realize the serious consequences of easily giving these information away.

Inappropriate Content

Underage kids are viewing content they should only see in about 10 more years to their parents’ frustration. It’s not just pornography, but foul language and violence you’d disapprove of.


Even the most reserved kids can get bold in discussing sex through chat and reveal more than they should. Sexting, revenge porn, explicit images posted everywhere, are ruining kids’ lives world over.

Online Predator

Chatrooms can get kids engaged in a relationship with an adult- who in fact is a total stranger. Predators take advantage of a child’s curiosity, which put them in danger of being exploited or substance abuse.

Is this being paranoid? Not at all. The risk of walking alone to school is almost dwarfed by the dangers lurking in the internet! Despite all these, technology can be your friend. Snapspy is a reliable monitoring app that can help safeguard your child in a discreet way. You can check on their messages with all good intentions.

To monitor your child’s activity is merely part of being a parent. It’s not about undermining trust nor crossing boundaries. It’s about protecting our son or daughter from dangers unbeknownst to them, until they’re old enough to distinguish the threat on their own.