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The Benefits of Adaptive Planning

The Benefits of Adaptive Planning

The benefits of adaptive planning are manifold and can transform your organization’s planning – IF you’re wise enough to give it a shot. I recall someone back in the day telling me about her new iPhone. She kept rhapsodizing about the product, urging me to get one. Meh, a phone was a phone, I told her. Surely the thing wasn’t THAT different, and besides, my phone worked just fine.

Naturally, the joke was on me since I soon lost my pocket-size dinosaur and bought a vaunted iPhone. Of course, I was soon astonished by this newfangled technology that turned the industry on its ear and seemingly could do anything short of make lunch.

Similarly, you may have been making strategic business plans from spreadsheets for years. Decades, even. And that’s worked for you. But did you know that, with adaptive planning, you can be much more efficient and on point with your planning? Well, scores of other companies do, and you risk being left behind if you don’t check out this transformational way of handling financials, workforce, and sales planning.

Read on for more.

What is Adaptive Planning?

Basically, adaptive planning is a process framework for organizing a host of analyses, issues, opinions, and info flows for the purpose of making strategic decisions. Adaptive planning stages include:

What are Some Benefits of Adaptive Planning?

As we say, there are a myriad of benefits to adaptive planning, particularly if you go with Workday’s system through Mercer, which contributes, among other things, nonpareil datasets to help you make sound, forward-thinking strategic decisions. Other benefits include:

Now that you’re apprised of the benefits of adaptive planning, you can commence to getting the system in place at your enterprise. We recommend Workday Adaptive Planning. While that’s a standalone product, we suggest you purchase the software through Mercer, which provides powerful datasets and can help you launch the system and optimize its abilities.