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The Best Technology Hashtags To Get You Trending

The Best Technology Hashtags To Get You Trending

Hashtags have always been a relevant part in Instagram, but with the introduction of the Discover tab, utilizing it is more important than ever. More exposure means more people get to see it, and therefore you’ll have a greater chance to earn likes. Making use of the right hashtag at the right time maximizes reach and increases brand attention.

If you’d like to be on the trending topics then it’s best to use the top technology hashtags below. Keep in mind that these tags are best used for tech industries and to attract people who are looking for the latest and the greatest tech topics circulating the web today. The more popular a hashtag, the greater the chances of your post being noticed.

General Tech Hastags


Android Technology Hashtags

#android #androidinstagram #androidcommunity #teamdroid #teamandroid #google #googleandroid #androidography #droid #instandroid #instaandroid

iPhone Tech Hashtags

#iphone #iphoneasia #iphone6 #iphone5s #apple #appleiphone #ios #iphone6plus #iphone5 #technology #electronics #mobile

Hashtags For The IT Industry


Instagram will only allow up to 30 hashtags as the maximum to curb spamming, so it’s in your best interest to choose wisely before clicking the “post” button. TagMentor is a great tool when you need the right mix of the top technology hashtags any time. Simply enter your preferred keyword in the automated platform and you’ll be presented with relevant and trending topics and hashtags that have garnered the most comments, likes and followers. It’s a 100% free Instagram hashtag generator you can use today to make your life easier and your marketing strategies a success.