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The Best Tips on Getting a Job in the Tech Industry

The Best Tips on Getting a Job in the Tech Industry

Interested in getting a job in the exciting world of tech industry? It’s easier than you’d think. Here are a few tips on how you can land a coveted position in a company you admire.

Proofread Your Resume Thoroughly

A CV or resume is like a future employee’s first impression. Put your best foot forward by not making the most common mistakes, such as not proofreading for errors, choosing too big or too bright a font color and whatnot. Keep your credentials and essential information on one page, and make sure every word and sentence counts.


Practice is the key to success, especially in the world of tech. Get all the knowledge and experience you can find, e.g., familiarizing yourself with coding, or acquiring resources from support sites and databases if you’re a programmer. An international internship in Singapore will be an excellent addition to your resume when applying for a tech-related job in the future. It’s a great way to get a foothold on emerging tech markets in the Asian continent.

Research The Firm

Do you already have a firm in mind? It’s best to do some proper research using all available tools on hand. Imagine working for that company for 5, 10 years down the line. Look up the firm’s culture, business model and how they operate. Get a feel for the general opinion of the public. All of these can be done by scanning their social media feeds and a Google search. Then, find out about the key leaderships, or the CEOs and heads and see how their work ethic is.

Find Your Passion

What do you like most about tech? Is it the wearable technology, the smartphone industry or AI and machine learning? Or it could be VR gaming, CGI and creating cutting-edge content that blows people’s minds.

Once you find your passion, it will be easy to find the specific component you need. Take up IT consultancy, computer forensics, web development, games development, app development or multimedia programming. Consider all career paths before going with one.