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Tips for mobile security

Tips for mobile security

Recently, mobile phones have been one of the most trending technologies that are being used by everybody, which makes it’s IT security very Important. In most cases, we often worry about the security of other technologies like laptops, computers, and others, while ignoring the fact that mobile phones are what we use every minute of the day.

Mobile phones contain several information and data of its owner, which might be important enough to attract the attention of hackers. This vital information is what hackers target with the use of malicious malware, viruses, and other cyber-attacks. However, these attacks from hackers with malicious intents can only be successful if your device is lacking in security.

Most mobile device comes with a default security protocol that aid in safeguarding your device data from elementary hackers. Even though that this default IT security protects the mobile device, there’s a limit to the amount of cyber-attack it can repel, being the reason why you should manually implement a tough protocol that will boost your phone security.

Here are ways to manually improve the security of your mobile device:

Download App Only From Secured Sources

Downloading apps from approved sources like Google play store and App store will protect you from installing harmful apps on your device. Most hackers upload malicious apps to unknown websites, with the aim that users will download and install it on their device, granting them access to the user’s sensitive data. In the case that you enter sensitive information inside the downloaded software like login details, it will be sent to the hacker who designed the software.

Password Your Phone

Always encrypt your mobile phone to avoid people having access to your privacy. Encrypting your mobile phone keeps every information and data stored on your device to be under your control only. Encrypting your mobile phone is one of the first steps in maximizing the security of your phone to keep sensitive information away from individuals with malicious intent. Most mobile devices like the Google Pixel and Nexus series are encrypted by default while other mobile phones require the user to manually add their desired encryption.

Your mobile device can be encrypted by navigating to the device settings and clicking on security to find options to encrypt your device, which will require you to use pattern, pin, or password. After the successful encryption of your data like emails, text messages, contacts, media, and downloads, your mobile device will be fully secured from unauthorized access.

Avoid Free Wifi

Are you surprised to know that avoiding free Wi-Fi can help you secure your device data from being stolen? Every user that uses a device, which makes use of Wi-Fi will like to connect to the same free Wi-Fi, including the hacker that has malicious intent of stealing the user’s information. If the feature to share files and data with users connected on the same network is activated on your device while you connect to a free Wi-Fi, there’s no doubt that your data can easily be stolen by a professional hacker.

Beware Of Phish

Phishing remains one of the vital ways in which hackers target the client’s sensitive data and information by contacting them through email, phone, and text messages. The hacker organizes an attractive email or text message with a secret code that will be activated for stealing of client’s information when clicked or opened. The email or test is constructed in a way that will entice and lure individuals into clicking it or providing sensitive as a request from the text.

Be Careful To Emails And Calls You Respond To

It’s important to only open emails and calls of people you recognize and also beware of scammers that tend to spam users with calls. Hackers who use phishing to lure user’s into sending vital information like credit card details and password always use unfamiliar emails or mobile numbers that have no caller id.

By using the above security methods to keep malicious hackers from accessing your sensitive information, there’s no doubt it will also serve as a tool for boosting the IT security of your mobile phone making it effective in overcoming cyber threats and attacks.