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Top Professional and Technical Podcasts

Top Professional and Technical Podcasts

Since the rise of the Internet, there have been a myriad of new types of technologies that have been created. From novel and innovative tech like artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things, to changes in pre-existing technologies in fields like healthcare and law, much has been altered throughout our society because of the web. Along with the changes to the economy, culture has also been transformed due to the Internet. One way that this has occurred is with the rise of podcasts. Podcasts, which are a new form of media that combine the charm of radio with the convenience of online streaming, have paved the way for the future of broadcasting. There is a myriad of types of podcasts that exist, but the ones that often get the most listeners are those that deal with professional and technical issues. This is for good reason, as these types of podcasts tend to be the most stimulating and informative. If you are interested in becoming a regular podcast listener, you should educate yourself on what the top shows in this genre are.

Beyond the To-Do List

There are numerous podcasts that are geared toward the professional world, but none are quite like Beyond the To-Do List. This podcast is aimed at professionals who want to learn skills that can be applied both inside and outside the office. The host of the show, Erik Fisher, delves into methods for increasing personal productivity by interviewing a multitude of people about their strategies for personal and professional success. Some concepts include the importance of a routine, increasing mindfulness, and prioritization of activities that will ensure productivity. This show is great for those trying to improve their careers as well as their everyday lives.

Switched on Pop

While some podcasts delve into ways that you can help your professional life, Switched on Pop investigates the professional music world and discusses the technical aspects of popular music. The podcast is hosted by songwriter Charlie Harding and musicologist Nate Sloan, who both are involved in different aspects of the music business and give a total picture of what the industry is like. They also dive into what makes a pop song a hit, and how this knowledge fits into our culture. Listening to Switched on Pop will certainly aid your professional career by opening up your mind into thinking about entities that you are familiar with in a novel way.    

Millennial Money

While there are numerous podcasts that discuss finances, Millennial Money puts a brand-new spin on this concept by talking about how young people can understand their monetary decisions. Hosted by financial planner Shannah Game, the podcast discusses lifestyle choices, financial responsibilities, and being savvy with your income. Game talks about financial advice, as well as numerous ways for her listeners to become better spenders and savers.

Final Thoughts

As the 21st century progresses, we will only see podcasts become more popular. Professional and technical podcasts are some of the most pioneering shows that are available to stream, and understanding the numerous benefits that they can bring you is incredibly helpful for anyone who is interested in this type of media.