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What We Can Learn from Automation in the Home Industry

What We Can Learn from Automation in the Home Industry

In our homes today, we are witnessing more automation than ever before. Products and services are emerging each day to make our homes “smart” and therefore, more convenient. These include having voice control assistants operating lighting systems, IoT appliances, smart thermostats, and so on.

However, to every advantage, there’s a disadvantage. What then can we learn from automation in the home industry? We need to gauge these benefits and drawbacks to better make informed decisions about this technology and the trend. We’ll also review the features of automation in our homes and how they help to make living better.

How Automation is Transforming Home Living

One of the biggest innovations in the home industry today is “smart homes.” These are private living spaces that have been interconnected with the internet and various other electronic devices. They share data and communicate with themselves to perform a unique function.

Take an example of a door that senses when you approach it and opens without turning a door knob. In this case, the regular door knob has an electric linear actuator instead, that does the automation.

The biggest flex with automation is the convenience it brings. It allows you to control these appliances in a variety of ways, from your voice to your phone, computer, and any other remote device. Companies like Amazon have Alexa while Apple has Siri. Google Assistant has also joined the queue of home automation using voice commands. They have helped millions of homeowners save energy, and time while making tasks more efficient.

Things to Know about Home Automation

There are specific details that make home automation a big deal. Here are the main features of an automated home.

Data Collection and Analysis

One major feature of automated homes is the ability to collect and analyse data. It studies our habits towards our needs and uses of home gadgets. Data collection and analysis improve decision-making, and efficiency and help us avoid risk.

Take, for example, a smart thermostat that stores data about your cooling and heating needs. If your home is equipped with smart technology, the system reads and creates a better schedule based on the weather and your habits. Therefore, you save energy and cost while enjoying the benefits of home automation.

Predictive Maintenance

This is another priceless feature. With predictive maintenance, your devices anticipate a fault or failure before it happens. The system does this by taking data that has been stored and using it to predict the next steps to avert complications.

In a practical example, a smart fridge is able to analyze changes in temperature levels, energy consumption, etc. So if the appliance begins to exceed the regular levels, it prompts the user of an impending failure. In the same way, the system would also alert the user if there is already a fault. Others reach the extent of scheduling a maintenance appointment with a technician.


This is the feature that allows your home to adjust its settings to suit your taste and preferences. Imagine an automated lighting system that controls the light colour and brightness based on mood. Some adjust the settings based on other criteria like time of day and weather.

A great way to customize your smart home is with actuators. When your home is fully automated, it learns your favourite settings. Therefore, you personalize your home automatically and reduce stress trying to decide and operate gadgets.

Efficiency and Sustainability

Energy efficiency is one of the major selling points of home automation systems. It is necessary for both your wallet and for the environment. Sustainability also means your resources last longer for you.

With smart thermostats and lighting, for instance, you regulate how much heating and light energy you use. They are preserved when not in use and are efficient when needed.

Accessibility and Convenience

Almost nothing beats the accessibility and convenience that automation gives homes. If you have a disabled friend or someone very old who is less mobile, your best gift to them might just be a smart home.

With a simple gesture, click of a button, or voice command, you control any smart device or system in the home from anywhere. Closing and opening doors and windows, and turning on the TV or lights, are now easier. These are the features only automated homes can give you.

Other Benefits of Automation in the Home Industry

Home automation have more benefits in addition to the features mentioned earlier. Here are others to note when considering automated homes.

Overall, home automation is a powerful tool. When fully customized, the benefits are endless.

Drawbacks of Automation in the Home Industry


Despite the numerous benefits, home automation has a few unpleasant side effects. The most significant drawback is the cost. This cost covers the devices involved, their installation, and their maintenance. Smart devices are typically expensive and require a professional to install.

Device Complexities

Many smart devices are complex in terms of software and hardware compatibility. Choosing the right ones to fit in your housing system is a challenge most times. Also, staying up-to-date with upgrades and manually replacing an actuator in your smart door is often time and energy-consuming. However, a professional should be able to help with this if needed.

Privacy Issues

As devices interconnect over the internet, it leaves room for data breach risks. These pose a threat to privacy and eventually, security. Automated homeowners need to take more precautions to safeguard their details and devices from hackers and cybercriminals.


The major takeaway from automation in the home industry is that it promises better living standards. Despite flaws like complexity issues, privacy risks and cost factors, it poses numerous benefits. To mention a few, it promotes overall comfort and accessibility, saves energy, aids security and so on. Because home automation is only going to get better, it is worth the try for every homeowner.