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Asus Hacked By The Waledac & RootxFlood

Asus Gets Hacked By The Waledac & RootxFlood

The official website of Asus has been hacked by hackers claiming to be named as “The Waleda” and “RootxFlood”. The hackers have managed to gain access to the Asus Device Tracker website’s subdomain and Asus ACM Backend We login subdomain and defaced it’s index page.

The hackers has added a black defacement page with a message written on top in red text as “Hacked By The Waledac & RootxFlood” with a troll faced meme picture typing on a computer along with a text written in gray color as “Aha!!! You have been owned ^_^”.

It’s unclear what caused the hacker to hack and deface the website of Asus as no political or special message had been left for Asus on the defacement page. However, this hack surely proved that the servers and the website security of Asus was extremely poor although an SSL certificate was enabled on the Asus Device Tracker domain.

A screenshot of Asus device tracker website being defaced

Upon checking, the website of Asus Device Tracker might have sensitive user information. However, its not known yet if the hacker had grabbed any of the user information that may have been stored on the website and server for Asus devices.

A screenshot of Asus ACM Backend We login domain being defaced.

While having a look at the server I.P address’s, Asus “ACM Backend We login” and Asus “Device Tracker” domain appears to be on separate servers. This surely means that the hackers had gained access to two of the Asus servers. Although the methods used to gain access is still unknown. At the time of writing and publishing this news article, both of the Asus websites were defaced.

Update:- Hackers from India claiming to be “LULZSEC INDIA RULES” have managed to re-deface Asus Device Tracker domain. We will update this article as soon as new information is received regarding these Asus websites.

A screenshot of Asus device tracker website being re-defaced by Indian Hackers.

Update: Indian Hackers have updated they’re deface page on the Asus device tracker website. Replacing the simple white deface page which was previously updated with a fancy purple one.

A screenshot of the updated deface page by Indian hackers

Update: Deface pages have been removed by the website administrators. However, the subdomains remains offline for users.