Membership cards will transform the way in which your business operates, and its safety standards, too! If you’re thinking of implementing this simple yet incredibly effective system into your business, then chances are, you’re pondering what design, colours or details you should be printing onto your cards. Read on for a few helpful pointers, ideas, tips and tricks to ensure that your membership cards are exactly what you expected, and maybe even more…
What are the benefits of membership cards?
Before you start thinking about design consider the benefits that you are most interested in implementing into your company. A few key benefits that you can expect include…
Increased Security: Membership cards can also act as ID cards, making your bar, club, pub or business all the more secure! You can add personal details such as names, addresses and contact numbers as well as identity photos, the more that’s on there, the safe your company will be.
Personable Experiences: The value of the familiarity that comes when staff know who’s who at your business is unimaginable! Establish a welcoming, personable atmosphere and tailor patrons’ experiences at your company through membership cards and systems.
Membership Retention and Base Growth: You can load your membership cards with a tonne of different benefits, discounts or access specifications, which in turn is going to encourage new members to sign up and existing ones to continue with their ongoing commitment. Membership retention and customer base growth are integral to the success of your business, so this one really is invaluable.
Seamless Operations: A smooth running membership system will make the comings and goings of your workplace or business far easier. A seamless entry and exit system will keep a calm, operational atmosphere, no matter how bustling your business might be.
Enhanced Branding: In order to establish a cohesive and authentic image for your brand, you’ll need to ensure that every morsel of output and every customer or client interaction is as stylised and on brand as it possibly can be. A great way to this is with your membership cards. Beautifully designed member cards will give your customers or clients a tangible reminder of the value that your business provides. This mini extension of your brand will travel with them wherever they go, and might even encourage a higher referral or recommendation rate in their social circles.
How will you represent your company?
Once you’ve focused on what benefits you’re looking to bring to your business, it’s time to have a think about the design of the membership cards themselves. You can either try this process yourself or decide on the different elements, details and colours that you would most like to see on your cards and send them to a membership card and accessories printer provider. They will be able to help you to bring your vision to life and optimise the look and effect of your cards.
Consider the fine print
Decide on how much of punch you’d like your membership cards to pack in the security department. If you want your members cards to double up and establish a safe, smooth running business, you might want to consider double sided cards that can hold lots of information or photographs to help make this possible.
Design packages
Don’t miss out on the opportunity to impress! Design a package to post out or hand your members in person. This designed document can contain more details about membership benefits, ongoing value and any other changes or details you’d like to communicate.
Have fun!
Lastly, have fun with your design process. Play around with different colours, logos, graphics and typography until you have a membership card that perfectly represents your company and everything it has to offer.