It is estimated that each class has at least one student who has gone through trauma. School, and especially the class, is a refuge point for the kid. The student not only acquires education certificates but will also grow emotionally to overcome the trauma.

Teachers, education administrators, and students have a role to help these students to overcome trauma. The environment they create around the school will help the students to recover or will add to the stress associated with such trauma. Here are ways the school system can help students suffering from trauma.
Provide counseling services
Active counseling services will help students to overcome any form of trauma. The administration and teachers must actively call upon students to seek counseling services. Students should also be taught to identify and direct peers who appear to be disturbed to go for counseling. Students needing counseling can get homework help from professional writers for the time they will be in the program is nerdify legit.
Watch for signs of trauma to identify the student early. They include isolation, low spirits around peers, and declining performance. A professional counselor will help the student to open up and reveal the issues that could be bothering him or her. When the issue is arrested early, it becomes easier to solve.
Let the students talk about it
Give students a chance to talk about their lives. Form small groups where the student can share with peers under the guidance of an adult. The adult, a professional counselor or teacher, can probe the incidences if he feels that they boarder trauma or abuse.
Talking is therapeutic. Once the student begins to speak, the heavy issues in his heart will be revealed. It is also an opportunity for third-party adults to pick students who may have gone through traumatic experiences.
Talking gives students the confidence to face their traumatic experiences. It becomes the beginning of a healing process. Students can also face the people who took them through the trauma as well. It gives the students the courage to face any other bullies in the future.
Healing is a personal journey
Allow each student to walk through the journey of healing at his pace. Traumatic wounds differ. Some are too deep and cause irreversible physical damage. Recovering from such wounds takes time and requires a lot of effort.
Avoid pushing the students to ‘recover’. Some will be willing to talk, take therapy, and face their conditions faster. Others want the issue to remain hidden until they are comfortable sharing. The recovery process will differ from one person to the other. Support those who recover faster and those who take their time.
Make learning easier
The learning environment will either help traumatized students to recover or push them into deeper depression. Make learning easier so that they do not have to struggle with trauma and education at the same time.
Support the students whenever they ask questions. Provide samples and examples to guide them in writing essays. Direct them to reference materials that will make assignments easier. Once they no longer struggle with school work, they will open up about their personal lives. They gain the confidence to talk to you about what they could be facing in life.
Provide community support
The school community must recognize that there are traumatized students in their midst. Their actions and words should be measured to avoid hurting the already wounded students. The students, teachers, and workers should recognize their role in healing the entire school community.
Run campaigns that support victims and condemn some of these traumatizing actions. Punish anyone who bullies students or causes trauma. Once the students feel that they have your support, they will easily open up about the challenges they face in school and beyond. If the school does not support healing or cover-up for bullies, you will be adding to the trauma experienced by the students.
Create a positive space
The layout of your classroom can be used to help traumatized kids to heal. Use morale-boosting colors on the walls and floor. Allow students to bring items, quotes, or images of personalities that inspire them. Increase natural lighting and allow the students to control desk arrangements.
An open, warm, and relaxing environment will help every student to heal from the worst experience. You may also bring plants to the room to give it a sense of life. Set up a mindfulness corner where students can visit whenever they feel the need to relieve pressure. The corner may come with beanbags, squeeze toys, noise-canceling headphones, and other apparatus. The class should lift the mood of the kids, helping them to deal with any pressure.
Prime the student positively
Priming means fostering a feeling of positivity, pride, and awe. It gives them a different feeling about their lives. It will lift their emotions, enabling them to face the most difficult personal challenges. It also takes away the sad moments, helping the kids to avoid trauma.
Positive priming counts as a brain break. Greet the students with a handshake and smile when they enter the class. Engage in games that encourage expression and positive competition. It works like building a bank account of positive vibes or emotions. Adding more positive emotions will raise the esteem of your students.
Teach character strengths
What is the kid good at? Use the strength as an entry point to their healing journey. Let the kid lead the class in cheering for an event. As you organize the cheer, you will talk. It boosts his energy and emotions. It will come with humor, bravery, and creativity. A student who feels like a hero during class activities will gain confidence. He can talk or easily face his traumatic situations.
The school environment should build resilience without covering the trauma. Encourage the students to talk about their experiences as you guide them through the healing process. Everyone in the school must play his part. The school programs and infrastructure should also support healing. When the community supports the traumatized students, it enjoys peace and prosperity in all aspects.