Indian Government website for the Office of District Education Officer Surat was hacked by a Pakistani hacker going by the name of SH11. Claiming to be a part of Team Pak Cyber Skullz. The website was defaced and a message was plastered expressing the attacker’s political views.
The defacement included telling Modi to resign by stating “Go Modi Go” and also talking about the topic of Kashmir and it’s freedom. Wanting to bring an end to the war over the disputed area between India and Pakistan. The full defacement page states:
Go Modi Go
Hacked By SH11
Team Pak Cyber SkullzDo You Know Why You Got HACKED?
Free Kashmir .. Freedom is our goal..
” Indian Penal Code Act No. 45 of 1860) CHAPTER-II SEC 18: India.- India means the territory of India excluding the State of Jammu and Kashmir.”
This institutionalized impunity with which the killings of civilians by military and police forces in Jammu and Kashmir continues should be a source of shame for India which propagates to be a democracy!Kashmir does not want militarized governance – STOP killing children, raping women and imprisoning the men!
They just want freedom! Freedom from the evil of the Indian Military!
Ghandi said – Freedom is never dear at any price. It is the breath of life. What would a man not pay for living?
Everyday 100s of innocent people are abused, raped and even killed in Kashmir by the Indian army, a third of the deaths are children,
– we don’t want war, take back your men, your guns and go back to where you came from
The hacker also puts up a link to the Pak Cyber Skullz official Facebook page. Along with that, the deface page includes an image of a Kashmiri throwing stones at an Indian governed police officer captioning the photo with:
D0odh Mangoo Gay Kher Dengee
Kashmir Mango0o Gay Cher DengeAll we ask is for freedom, you can kill us but you cant kill us all, we shall not give up,
Quick work from the security staff has the website restored, removing the deface page and restoring all it’s data. However this isn’t the first time the Indian Government website has been hacked. According to Zone-H, the website has been hacked a total of 4 times before with the prominent Pakistani hacker, KhantasiC, being the first in defacing the government web page back in 2010, back when the cyber war had reached extreme heights. The full list of hackers who have attacked the website can be seen on Zone-H’s Cached Archives.

Politically motivated attacks like these are not uncommon. Hackers from both countries, Pakistan and India retaliate against each other when one of their respective websites have been defaced. Hackers from both countries express their hatred towards each other through their defacements, they feel a sense of patriotism and somewhat serving and representations of their country with whatever tools they may have available to them to cause harm to one another. In this case it happens to technology and the internet.

The cyber-war between the 2 countries has existed for almost 2 decades and it doesn’t seem likely of stopping anytime soon. Attackers from both countries have developed a massive following and as an older generation leaves, a newer one develops. At the end of the day, it is the innocent that get caught in the cross fires with thousands upon thousands of websites falling victim.