A Pakistani hacker claiming to be “Silent L0v3R” has managed to gain access to the official website of Kerala Social Security Mission, Government of India. Gaining access to the website allowed the hacker to add his deface page.
The hacker left the following message on his deface page with a Pakistani flag in html codes:-
“[!] Struck by Silent L0v3R
Kerala Social Security Mission Official STAMPED
Nothing related to cyber war or anything like that 🙂
# Security is just an illusion
We are: Silent L0v3R | Xposer | Muhammad Bilal | H4x0rL1f3 | 1337 | Zombie_KSA | Gujjar PCP | Shadow008 |
Pak Monster ~ Zero Cool ~ D3 Dasin ~ R@H33M_Haxor ~ GigaByte
My All Friends :p”
According to the message left on the deface page, the website was only hacked to prove that it wasn’t secure and security is just an illusion. No political reason appears to be behind the defacement.

At the time of publishing this news article, the website was still hacked and defaced. Although it is still not known what vulnerability was used that allowed the hacker to gain access. However, this surely means Kerala Social Security Mission has poor security on its website and server.