The famous hacking group named “OurMine”, that hacked WikiLeaks domain two days ago just got hacked by Turkish hackers claiming to be “Jonturk75, RootDevilz and Bozkurt97”. That’s right, the hackers group’s “OurMine” website got hacked themselves.
Turkish hackers left the following message on OurMine’s official websites deface page:
Jonturk75 & RootDevilz & Bozkurt97
When a hacker group gets hacked by an other group, the hacked one will been lamer for the one who hack em.
What if the hacker one when get hacked?
Hooly chaos! Lol
We are Turkish Hackers !

As OurMine’s subdomain “” appears to be defaced only, while the root domain “” appears to be working fine, it’s hard to tell whether their servers got hacked or is their subdomain hosted on a different server that got hacked by Turkish hackers.
Upon browsing the Turkish hackers twitter account, OurMine isn’t the only big hackers group around online. The same Turkish hackers have managed to hack and deface Google Bangladesh, RedBull, Volvo, Shakira, Beyonce, Justin Timberlake, Michael Jackson, Honda, Reuters, Coca Cola, Linkinpark, Marvel, NBC Sports, Financial Times, and CNN.
As such big websites had been hacked previously before, no political reason appears to be behind the defacement. At the time of writing and publishing this news article, the website’s subdomain remained defaced. As this news is still developing, this article will be updated upon receiving new information about the hack.